Chapter 13 - Blaze

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"No games, Zane. I've explained to Lena what you've already told me. We'd appreciate further details and reasoning," Elijah said, sounding very professional while I was struggling not to cuss out an Alpha that I'd never even met.

"I've told you everything that I know," the voice, that I now knew was Alpha Zane, replied.

"Listen here," I started, struggling to hold back a growl. "If you think these sadistic assholes are trying to kidnap me for the second time in my life, you have to have some reasoning behind your theories. My life isn't a joke."

Elijah shot me a warning look. He'd said Zane was worse than Dean, so I was likely walking on thin ice with my tone and demands.

"Such a feisty little Luna you have there," Zane said with a chuckle.

"My sources tell me that Archibald and Dean are orchestrating your kidnapping now that you're beginning to access your powers. With abilities like yours, they could get away with nearly anything. In fact, I'd be willing to bet they're planning to make you their Luna, since you haven't gone through the official ceremony in Polar Moon yet."

I was fuming and had a million questions running through my mind. How did he know all of this? Why was he even warning us? Was any of this true, or was it a trap of some sort?

"What proof do you have?" I growled, no longer caring about formalities.

He chuckled again. The same dark chuckle, as if this was all a joke to him, "I can't reveal my sources, now can I? Part of being a powerful Alpha is having powerful sources."

"Then why the hell should we believe you? For all we know, you could be distracting us. Perhaps you're the one who wants to take me," I began to pace the room, trying to ignore the concerned look on Elijah's face.

This time, Alpha Zane scoffed, "Despite what you may assume about me, I only care to make my true mate the Luna of Night Fire pack."

"Then give us a reason to believe you."

"Well, you certainly don't have to believe me," Zane started. "I was merely trying to be kind enough to warn you."

I didn't want to admit it, but Alpha Zane now had me paranoid. You're never supposed to trust information that isn't backed and proven by reliable sources, but he was making some good points. I didn't, however, believe this was an act of kindness on his part. Even if he was telling the truth, it was likely for his own amusement.

"If you can find more kindness within your heart to give us more details about your sources, then it would be appreciated. For now, you're wasting our time. We'll be in touch," Elijah interrupted. He then approached the phone and hung it up, ending the call.

"What if..." I mumbled, continuing to pace back and forth through Elijah's office. "What if this has something to do with that...that thing I experienced? Casper?" I suggested, finally pausing to look up at Elijah.

Elijah didn't say anything. Instead, he slowly approached me, and then pulled me into his arms. He held me firmly against his chest, forcing me to crane my neck to look up at him, "I don't know. I don't have any of the answers right now. All I know, is that I won't let anything happen to you. Not again."

My heart melted, and unlike every time before, this time it showed. My pale cheeks flushed soft pink as I broke his gaze, unable to look into his golden eyes while blushing so profusely. Part of me, a part that now seemed so distant, wanted to tell him that I could protect myself. This is my mate, though. I know his every instinct, especially as an Alpha, is to protect me and care for me, and I was more than happy to let him. We would care for and protect each other.

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