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A/N: just a heads up that this chapter includes a little sexual content so if your not into that kinda thing then lets just say Casper and James' butts are still safe but their underwear got a little messy. (who am I actually kidding? You guys live for this stuff. Continue on my fellow pervs.)

Chapter Twenty One

James and Casper had rushed back to their street and had barely entered Casper’s front door before James was pushing him against it, lips crashing down onto his and his cold hands wandering around his waist up to the back of his neck. Casper mewled against James’ lips as he bit down, nibbling at his lower lip and he used that to his advantage by slipping his tongue into Casper’s mouth and Casper found him half way eagerly, clutching onto James’ shirt desperately.

His mum was out for one of her day-long church charity things and his dad was usually out at this time at the pub with his mates as it was his day off. They had the whole house to themselves, at least for a few hours and he had been itching to get his hands on James the whole day and from the feverish kisses pressed onto him, James was the same way.

They both shacked off their jackets, struggling at the sleeves while keeping their lips on each other. He was surrounded by James’ scent and his body pressed hard against his and Casper felt his body flare up as James balled his hand in his hair, tipping his head back and kissing him deeper. He moaned desperately, he could already feel the twitch in his groin and they hadn’t even made it near the stairs.

Kissing James had become familiar but all too new at once. The feeling was alien but Casper found himself wanting to explore a new world ten times fucking over.

As James let him go to have a breath but going right to his neck, placing small pecks and licks at the crook of it and Casper is panting, his legs shaking as he leaned into the door, the decorative dents pressing into him almost painfully but not wanting to move because Jesus God, James’ tongue.

James made Casper forget that anything even existed except just them and the way he made Casper feel inside and out. He couldn’t even keep up as James practically body worshipped him with his hands at the front door. Casper's head went back, exposing more of his neck and he stared up at the ceiling in a hazy state as James ravished him.

James’ hands were everywhere and Casper was slightly disorientated on keeping up with the two sensations – three if you count both hands as he started to take different areas with different hands while sucking on his neck then licking a stripe to his collar bone and making Casper preen into it.

And then, suddenly James just stopped everything, taking Casper’s head in his hands and joining their lips in a small, tender kiss. Casper backtracked, bucked against the sudden change before leaning into the kiss, angling his head and closing his eyes as his legs finally gave way and he was sliding down the door, ignoring the dents and bumps bruising his skin as he went with James following him down and melded their lips together and then he was gone. Casper stumbled at the loss of James who was flinging off his shoes recklessly from remembering his mother's enorced rule and almost toppling the family photos hanging on the wall as was hit dangerously close so they rattled on their hooks, and went bolting up the stairs, almost stumbling onto his hands and knees.

“What the fuck.” Casper muttered but then all but clamber after him, only swaying at the door for a moment in a daze, his lips shiny wet, his hair in a state, his eyes blown wide, a new bruise forming at his neck and his hands in fits in front on him making him look somewhat crazed.

He paused at the top of the stairs, looking at his bed room door that was slightly ajar. He knew if he entered that room now James would be on the other side with the thought that Casper was ready for taking the next step. Of course he was, Casper had said so himself and he wasn’t going back on his word. He did want this. Like a lot. He still couldn’t get the niggling feeling of a suffocating worry of James having some sort of expectation of him and Casper would suck and then things would get awkward and then they would have to break up, or James suddenly realised he wasn’t that gay for Casper after all and fuck off and find a girl instead. Yes, Casper had doubts because there was no way a guy as amazing as Casper has come to know James, would settle for a guy like Casper, the sad little emo boy that isn’t good at anything.

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