13: Wedding

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 "Come on, Mitchy. One dance," Scott coaxed softly, poking Mitch's arm and pouting childishly at the younger man.

Mitch rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, fighting the grin that threatened to spread across his face at the blonde's antics. He focused his attention back on the equipment in front of him as he answered. "I'm on a job, Scotty. I can't just leave the booth to come dance with you. Besides, I thought we were gonna keep quiet for a little bit."

"We are, we are," Scott said quickly, "But it's a wedding, and we're surrounded by love, and I just wanna dance with my boy." Mitch rolled his eyes again as Scott held out the 'o' sound, making his voice sound even whinier. "It's not like Kirst and Jeremy will mind! Please?"


Mitch, who had been about to respond--once again--that he could not leave his deejay post to dance with Scott, glanced up and fell silent as he spotted the bride rushing towards them. "Scott, come dance!"

"Yeah, Scott, go dance," Mitch said with a smug grin, pushing at Scott's arm lightly.

Scott didn't budge. "I would love to, Kirst, but my lovely dance partner is being a workaholic. He won't even leave his station for five minutes to dance with me!"

Kirstie just laughed at Scott's whiny tone, apparently used to his childish ways. "Just dance with him, Mitch. It'll save everyone the trouble of hearing his whining all night. I'll watch the booth for a few songs, go have fun!"

Mitch cocked an eyebrow sassily, apparently unimpressed by Kirstie's offer. "I am not letting the bride work the deejay booth at her own wedding," he said emphatically, planting his hands firmly on the board in front of him as if to prove his point. "You two go dance, and I will continue to be here, doing my job."

Kirstie narrowed her eyes at Mitch. "Stubborn one, aren't you?" she said, though her tone was one of friendly banter. "Fine. Let's do it a different way, then. Kev!" She gestured wildly towards the tall man, barely visible through the crowd of people milling about. He grinned and bounded over, greeting them all enthusiastically. "Kev," Kirstie said once the pleasantries had been taken care of, "Mitchy won't dance because he's worried about the music. Take over the booth for a few minutes, would you? Scott's going to whine endlessly if he doesn't get a dance with Mitch."

Kevin's face lit up with pure excitement. "I'd love to!" he said cheerily, moving into the booth beside Mitch. Mitch hesitated for a moment, but the genuine happiness on Kevin's face finally broke his stubborn resistance and he allowed a lopsided smile to spread across his face.

"Thanks, Kevin," he said appreciatively, before allowing himself to be pulled to the dance floor by an overexcited blonde.

The couple danced energetically around with the bride for a minute or two before the upbeat dance track melted smoothly into a slower song. Scott's grin was impossibly wide as he pulled Mitch a bit closer than would probably be considered platonic, spinning him in a circle as the brunette laughed softly. Scott's expression softened into a gentle smile as he admired the happiness on Mitch's face, the two of them swaying softly back and forth.

"I want to kiss you," Scott whispered suddenly, the gentle smile still on his lips, but an unexpected fervor in his eyes as he stared down at his boyfriend.

"Scott," Mitch said warningly. "We talked about this."

Scott pouted. "It was a stupid idea," he muttered.

Mitch raised an eyebrow, amused. "You were the one who suggested it, honey. Come on, we can't do this today, not at Kirstie and Jeremy's wedding. You know I'm all for being open and honest, but we should at least leave it until their special day is over."

Hold My Heart (Scomiche AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz