16: End

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 It was a perfect 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside when Scott and Mitch, hands linked between them, strolled leisurely down the street at three minutes past noon on a Tuesday in October. October was always Mitch's favorite month--the scent of fall never failed to remind him of the day many years earlier when he had run out of his apartment and straight into his mysterious blonde neighbor.

"Where are we headed, Scotty?" Mitch questioned, swinging their hands lightly as they crossed the street. The blonde grinned, simply shrugging in response as he tugged on Mitch's hand suddenly, causing the younger boy to stumble as he was unexpectedly jerked to the left. "Scott!" Mitch whined as he regained his balance, narrowing his eyes into a glare.

Scott smirked at the annoyance in Mitch's tone, looking down at the brunette fondly. "It's supposed to a surprise, Mitchy. What's the fun if I ruin it all before we even get there?"

"The fun is that you'll be making your husband happy," Mitch said with an exaggerated pout, raising his eyebrows when Scott pulled the two of them to a stop at his words.

"Say it again," Scott said with a grin, pulling Mitch to his chest, his arms encasing the brunette's slim waist.

"You'll be making your husband happy?" Mitch said, an eyebrow raised in mild confusion as he stared up into the bright blue eyes he loved so much.

Scott's grin widened until it looked almost painful. "I will never get tired of hearing you say that. You're my husband, Mitchy. Can you believe that? We're on our honeymoon."

Mitch rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help the dopey smile that spread across his face. "You're ridiculous," he muttered, wrapping his arms around his husband's neck and leaning up to place a light kiss on his nose. "Now, come on. If you're not going to tell me where we're going, we'd better get there fast."

"Okay," Scott agreed, reluctantly distancing himself from the brunette and resuming his grip on the smaller man's hand as they continued down the street. "You're going to have to close your eyes pretty soon, though."

"You're such an overgrown child," Mitch complained, rolling his eyes again, but his tone was light and his eyes shone with happiness.

"Yeah, yeah," Scott said dismissively, waving Mitch's words away with his free hand. "Okay, now, close your eyes, okay?" Mitch complied (of course, not before making a face at Scott and whining just a bit more), and his grip tightened on Scott's hand as he lost his sight. "Promise they're closed?"

"I promise," Mitch said, squeezing the blonde's hand for a moment.

Scott grinned, gently guiding Mitch down the street towards their destination. "Good," he said absentmindedly, leading Mitch into exactly the position he wanted. "Okay, now, open your eyes."

Mitch's eyes blinked open, and as soon as he processed what they were seeing, his jaw dropped. "Holy, shit, Scott," he said breathlessly, his grip on the blonde's hand tightening even more as he took in the scene they were facing.

The water was sparkling in the warm afternoon sunlight, and the Mitch was very sure that the view from the bluff they were (somewhat precariously) standing on was the most beautiful in the entire world. They were on top of the world--the hillside houses, the people and cars, everything looked tiny--and the water was shimmering, and the sun was shining, and Scott was smiling, and Mitch had never in his life felt the sort of warm and fuzzy happiness that he was now experiencing as he stood at the edge of a cliff in Santorini, safely wrapped in his husband's arms. 

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