part 31

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Girlfriend. At last she's mine, I can call her mine out loud! But not totally mine though, I need to tie the knot with her as fast as I could. Knowing her, I need to take it slow or else she would feel burdened but I can't stop myself from taking another step. The 'boyfriend' status was enough to make me hard to sleep last night and can't stop grinning like a mad man for almost two hours.

"Wow, is the mighty knight smiling? That's rare," Liam commented. The three suddenly popped out from nowhere interrupting my thoughts about Leah.

"You look stupid." Josh sit down in front of me as we now are going to have breakfast together but he looks moody. This is rare too, to see the three of them so early in the morning especially Josh.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked David and Liam in confusion for Josh behavior.

"Your grandfather blocked his credit card." David decided to answer on behalf of Josh who's now slumping more in his chair.

"I was so embarrassed last night, I keep on bragging about how rich I am in front of this hot brunette when I found out that I can't pay for the drink! And that gothic bitch dares to pick fight with me! That bitch." Suddenly he speaks out his side of story causing me to snicker because he's being too dramatic.

"Gothic bitch?" I raised my eyebrows. This is new.

"Bartender. Can you believe it, she made this unbeatable mouth of him tongue tied, you should've seen him last night." Liam mocked him, Josh just gave him a side glare.

"I can't believe grandpa would to this to me, it's only a joke and I got my card cancelled for a week!" Josh exclaimed.

"And I could add another week if I want," grandpa's voice booming from the end of the table causing us to stay alert. He then slowly makes his way to sit at the front where his usual seat is. "Next time never jokes around like that, I'm a reputable man and I don't want my own grandson to say things like that." Josh just sits there sulking again. It's normal for him to be like this because my aunt and uncle really loves him so much to the point they pampered him like a royal prince, only me and Josh are the grandson in this small family. I lost my parents in an accident that's why I live with grandpa, grandpa molded me to become a man that can run his mafia empire after him but I tend to focus more on Knight Corp. By looking at the three of them quarrelling in front of me right now making me feel happy that Josh could have a normal live, at least he's not too involved in the mafia and I know grandpa feels the same as I am. The thoughts of them then linked to Leah, my girlfriend. We're official and I can't wait to show her to the world. By the way, where is she?

"Good morning everyone," her sweet voice greeted us all. We all then greeted her back, when she walks to the seat beside me I could feel her trembling through her face. Even when she wore a simple shirt and track pants she still looks beautiful as always just like last night. "Sorry I'm late, I couldn't sleep well last night," I know why she can't sleep well, we both steal glances among each other as she took the seat and smiling to each other like a lovesick teenagers. I never thought I would feel shy like a 9 year old boy in front of his crush. My girlfriend is here, sitting, beside me and we were so close, I could smell her freshly showered scent. What a great day today.

"What is wrong with the both of you?" I looked at Josh then all of them including the maids and Sophia who's giving us both weird look, I think Leah noticed to because she's blushing again. I love her blush.

"Leah have something to say," the face that Leah is giving me right now was hilarious, she was like 'are you kidding me', her face shows 'unbelievable'. I just smiled at her back, instantly she knows that I was messing around with her, she then slapped my upper arm while pouting. She looks so cute and I want to pinch her cheek but I need to control myself in front of the others.

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