Seven: Max Owens

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"Um, Nora. Hi, it's Max."

"I am aware."

My mother and sister had both suggested I call Nora as soon as possible. Mom was concerned about my physical well-being, while Clare wanted to know what was really going on. Both had brought up good points.

"Right. Sorry. So-"

"I am also aware that you failed to bring Cauldwell to us, as we had requested."

I paused. Did she seriously think I would be able to do this in one day?

"Ma'am, I've only met with him once. These things take time-"

"Don't" she snapped. "tell me what takes time, boy. You were given a task, and I expect it to be completed."

I clenched my teeth. "Nora, I need a suit. I was thrown through his window, and-"

"You were thrown through his window?"

"He has telekinesis."

Nora paused for a second, taking in the new information.

"Interesting," she finally said.

"Yes, very," I said sarcastically. Luckily, she seemed to think it sounded genuine.

"Alright," she said casually. "We will provide you with a suit," she said. Of course, I knew that there was no way it could be that easy.

"But only on one condition." And there it was.

"You will visit Cauldwell again tomorrow, and every day thereafter until he is either captured, or brought to the police. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," I said reluctantly. This job was getting harder by the minute. "But there's one more thing." I waited for Nora's inevitable protest about how I was wasting her time. However, when it didn't come, I continued my comment.

"Vinicus is no longer a public menace. He's been living in that penthouse for ten years now, and not once has he caused any harm. So... why am I stopping him?"

There was a long pause, before Nora responded. "That," she said. "Is absolutely none of your business."

"But Ms. Cotreau-"

"Your suit will be delivered by tomorrow morning."

There was a click, and the line went dead.

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