Nine: Max Owens

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My phone rang nearly the second I arrived at home.

"Hello?" My voice quavered, and I noticed my hand shaking at my side. I was apparently, subconsciously, still nervous. Being forced to interact with a super-villain nearly twelve years older than you really doesn't do much for your self-confidence.


It was Nora. Of course it was. She couldn't leave me alone for one day; she obviously didn't believe I could handle this on my own.

And she was right.

"Yes?" I replied, trying to sound as calm as possible

"I see you've failed to bring us Cauldwell. Again."

Does this lady have any idea how impossible it would be to defeat a literal super-villain in a single day?

"Look, I'm trying. I really am." That wasn't necessarily true. I had had several opportunities today to attack Vinicus, and yet I ignored every one of them. I have to learn about him first. Find his kryptonite. What will truly bring him down?

I mean, that's how they do it in the movies, at least.

"I think I'm going to have to pick this back up again next weekend," I continued.

"Next weekend?" Nora screeched. You would think I had just asked her to kick a baby.

I remained silent.

"Oh Max," Nora laughed after awhile. "Max, Max, Max." And in that moment, I knew exactly what she was about to say. "You're going back tomorrow."

"I- But Ms. Cotreau, I have school!"

I could practically hear her shrug.

"Guess you'll have to find a way to make it up." The apathy in her voice was unbelievable.

Meanwhile, I was fuming. She can't do this. She-

And once again, the line went dead.

I was beginning to notice a pattern.

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