Chapter twelve.

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June Apricot.
I don't why but I just did, I smiled at the jerk face and he looked at me for a minute,cleared his throat and looked away.

What?, its not my fault he sounded cute?, it was just too cute to be resisted. Oh June , you're soo dumb.

I didn't even take him for a guy who could apologize, I mean he's a prince and all...yet he apologized to me...meeeeee, Prince Cameron Northridge apologized to me. Just my luck.

"I know you're smitten by me but try not to make it too obvious... Your smile is so wide you could pass for a duck" his voice sank into my head and I turned pink.

"Who says I'm thinking about you?, jerk're not close to being worth it." I said and opened the door after giving him the evil eye. Yeah, I planned my dramatic exit again.

I placed one foot in front and raised myself out before placing the other when I felt to the floor with a loud thud!. Damn, I was in only one shoe.

These heels are bad luck in caps lock....they keep ruining my dramatic exit.

"Could you please get your purse and shoe from the car, I wanna lock my car" he said hovering above me. The idiot couldn't even lend me a hand.

My brain went back to when he picked me up bridal style and butterflies jumped into my stomach the way they did the first time.

Its nothing really, I guess it happens when a freaking Greek god like human touches would probably appear if Ivan did....Talking of Ivan, where is....I was brought out of my reverie when something hit my head.

"Owwwww" I yelped staring at the purse lying on the stupid heel too

"You seemed to be having a conversation with your imaginary friends you almost forgot or probably your brain zoned out on the fact that I am waiting for you to get your purse out of my car, so I did it for you. You're welcome" he said and walked inside.

Is it possible to hate someone more than this?, I highly doubt it.. I raised myself up and limped inside. With my broken heel and purse in hand. Consequences of receiving a lift from that devil incarnate.

"Oh my, I was just asking of you from Cameron, what happened to you?" Mum said and I just smiled.

"A little accident...too many fakes in the world of today" I said raising the heel up.

"Are you sure you're okay?, and how's your stomach now?" She asked and I gave her a huge smile.

"I'm really fine now mum...I'm serious, let me go check up on Rosie" I said when she stopped me.

"You look good together" she said and winked....Uhn.

"What?, ewwwww.....yuck yuck yuckity yuck mum...never, where's that coming from." I said with wide eyes.

"Well, I'm not the only one who thinks so. In fact, I'm sure you'll agree once you see it for yourself" she said and It became official... I'm lost.

"See what mum?, was I supposed to have grabbed some snacks for you from Starbucks?" I asked and she laughed and was about to reply when the Queen cut in

"This woman is not talking out of hunger my dear....Go see for yourself dear" she said and I gave her a forced nod before walking over to where Rosie is.

"Hey R." I said and she gave me a that's weird... Not the fact that she's smiling at me but the kind of smile she's giving me.

"I've been waiting for you. Take a look at thisssss...I've been looking at it a lot, even more than my own wedding picture" she said and handed me an apple tablet.

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