New book!

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Hello lovelies!
Follow my new book, titled Sassy meets Classy.
I promise it's going to be an eventful and fun-filled ride, and I want you all with me! To support me, like you've always been doing.

I promise it's going to be an eventful and fun-filled ride, and I want you all with me! To support me, like you've always been doing

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You are stepping on my toes, Lexington." I rolled my eyes, pretending I wasn't intimidated by his stance. He looked like he could devour me whole, but I wasn't one to back down. Mama and Papa Burton raised me way better than that. I might have changed surnames but I was still a Burton, and Burtons don't take crap from anybody. Not even overly handsome, self conceited, diamond spooned pricks like Carlson Hawthorne. 

"Then move your bloody legs out of my way, Hawthorne." I spat back and walked away, leaving a red faced handsome demon/angel in my wake.

When Amaryllis realizes that she is the biological daughter and heiress of the "old money" Lexington family, her life is thrown into a haze. She didn't know how to adjust to the change from a simple lifestyle to a maxi-luxurious life. The highlight of the change was when she had to start senior year at Newark high school.

Newark High was a special world of its own and everyone lived and breathed money. Rain had no idea there were some unspoken rules are Newark High, and she managed to break a lot of them because she couldn't help but let her sass flow free like a river.

The greatest rule of them all was the one she enjoyed breaking the most; Defying Carlson Hawthorne, the golden( oops! DIAMOND encrusted) boy of the city.

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