Chapter 4

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Helena's POV

After a 3 hour drive, we finally arrived at a large pack house. On the front porch, there was an older pair, a man and a woman (probably around 40 or 50), talking to a guy that was maybe about 20. As we pulled up to the couple, the younger guy went inside the house.

The couple rushed to the car and the man opened the door for us. One of Bryson's friends, I think his name is Jonty, growled at the man.

Heat gasped. Bryson glared at Jonty. "Jonty! There is no need for that!" He growled out.

"Sorry, sir. But that man is too close to the Alphas." Jonty glared daggers at the man. The man just chuckled and helped Heat and I out of the limo.

As if the group finally noticed the man's closeness, they all jumped out of the car and put themselves between the man and Heat and myself.

"Please, calm down, everyone. My husband means no harm. He is just an old gentleman. I'm sorry Alphas Anderson, we started off on the wrong foot. My name is Alicia Patrico and that is my husband, and mate, Antonio Patrico. And we are honored to have you here." Alicia bowed her head slightly.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Patrico. We are glad that you invited us to stay." I stepped forward to shake her hand, but Bryson shifted and growled menacingly at Mrs. Patrico.

'Stand down, Bryson! They aren't going to hurt anyone.' I linked Bryson, but he looked conflicted. That didn't sit well with my wolf.

'He will learn respect one way or another!' she growled.

'No! It's not that he doesn't respect us, he is worried about our safety!' I argued back.

'He will do as I say!' Shelby roared as she pushed me into the back of my own mind.

"Hear me boy, and do as I say! You will stand down now! No one shall go against my orders, understood?!" Everyone around her whimpered and stuck out their necks. All except for Heat, of course.

She released control back to me. I quickly apologized and explained that my wolf and I are complete opposites, I'm fun and lenient while she is strict and to the book. Heat and her wolf are the reverse of that. Not quite sure why our wolves aren't swapped but whatever because I love Shelby to pieces!

"It's quite alright. Welcome to our home," Mr. Patrico said.

After we were shown to our separate rooms, Heat came to mine and sat down.

"Are you okay, Hel?" She looked so concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good. Shelby just felt a little disrespected and had to put Bryson in his place. I don't understand why he attacked like that, but I'm going to let it go. How are you settling in? Need any help?"

"No, I am done already. I just wanted to come see if you wanted to go for a run?" Her eyes held a glint of hope.

"Okay, but only if we do some training afterwards!" We giggled.

"You're on!" She went to my drawers and pulled out two pairs of stretchy shorts and two tank tops.

"Hey! Use your own stuff!"

"But my room is so far away! And don't you love your twin?" Heat gave me her signature puppy dogs eyes and a slight whimper.

"Ugh! Fine! But your washing them. And if you destroy my clothes, you have to do my laundry for a month." Her jaw dropped open.

"What?!" she whined.

"That's the price to pay," I smirk at her.

"Ugh! Fine!" She went into the bathroom and changed while I changed in my room.

"Okay, let's go." Heat was taking a really long time in the bathroom.

Right as we were about to leave, we heard a knock at my door. I opened it and see a very tall and well tanned guy standing there with my suit case.

"Uh, hey. This was left downstairs. I suggest you stop being lazy and get your own stuff." He set the suitcase down and stalked down the hall.

"The fu-"

"Who was that at the door, Hel?" Heat came out of the steaming bathroom.

"Some jerk. Hey! Why did you take a shower in here?! Gross! Now it has to be disinfected and tested for STDs. Thanks!" I sighed dramatically and walked out of my room, heading in the opposite direction of Mr. Jerk-Face.

On our way out of the house, we saw Mr. and Mrs. Patrico.

"Thanks again for letting us stay here, Mr. and Mrs. Patrico. We-" I was cut off by the sound of a chair scrapping along the linen floor.

Mrs. Patrico jumped up from her chair, eyes blazing. "Nope! That will not do! You are to call us Alicia and Antonio! And that is final!"

Heat and I blushed. "Okay, thank you Alicia and Antonio," Heat said.

They both beamed with pride and went back to their conversation. I ran out the back door before they started up a conversation with me. Heat came out after me.

We went behind different trees to strip and shift. Then we set out at a dead sprint, weaving in and out of trees. When we came to a lake, I jumped in and did a little doggy paddle. My wolf was overjoyed by the run and the quick swim. I shifted underwater and peeked my head above the surface. As I took in a lungful of much needed oxygen, I caught a delicious scent on the breeze. Mmmmm! It was like smokey oak and maple syrup! Yummy!

I looked around a saw a dark figure emerge from the surrounding trees. My jaw dropped. I heard Heat jump into the water and shift.

"Hel? What's wrong?"

I couldn't even answer her. The sight before me had stunned me.

My mate....

That JERK?!


Don't you just love cliff hangers?! Me neither. Hehe. Hope you liked it.

The next chapter will be from Helena's mate's point of view.




Please! <3

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