Chapter 25

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Dedicated to ASHangelFIRE!!!

*Heather and Helena as kids. (I am so excited that I can put up pictures now!!!)


Heather's POV

The house has been so quiet and gloomy since Helena left. Marcio and I have been trying to get everyone to think about something else, but Marcus' pouting is making everyone nervous and wary. We managed to get everyone to go out to the mall, but Marcus had us rush back in case Helena came back.

He is so distraught! I mean, she's only been gone for a few hours! She is such a drama queen, always running off when things get too hard. As if she hasn't gotten enough attention already.

I remember when we were kids, she would always leave training early complaining of being sore. She was always tired, rarely there at meals, hardly ever wanting to just hang out with our friends. Thinking back to it now, she reminded me of an old woman.

We have always been close, but I feel like I'm stronger than she is. I guess it's always been that way. I giggled to myself thinking of how pitiful she used to be.

"Heat? What's up?" Marcio asked worriedly.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I was just remembering something," I giggled.

"Ah. So, are you gonna knock or just stand there?" He raised an eyebrow playfully.

"What?" I looked in front of me and noticed that we were standing in front of Marcus' office. I had one hand linked with Marcio's and the other was poised to knock. I didn't remember walk down here... Oh well.

Just as I was about to knock, I heard yelling from the other side of the door. Then there was a slap and a window crashed...

I throw the door open right before Marcio wrapped his arms around me protectively and turned his back to the office.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I struggled to get out of his arms. "Yeah, come on! Let me go!" He complied and I ran around him into the office. "Marcus! What's going on?"

Marcus stood in the middle of the room with a red cheek and a hurt expression on his face. "I-I found Helena..."

"Yeah? Is everything okay?" I can bet she did something dramatic.

"No. She- I - We-" He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "She's decided to leave. She's gone... But she said to tell you that she can't protect you guys anymore? Something about the past staying the past, and she regrets not grasping it?"

Protecting us? What is she talking about?!

"Oh, she left this number for you," Marcus said. His eyes were dull, his voice void of all emotion. There goes selfish Helena again. I looked, confused, at the crumpled up piece of paper. This is our parents number...


Okay guys. I'm going to stop this story here. BUT NEVER FEAR!!! The story only just begins here! The epilogue is next, but I'm writing a second book for this.

The story kind of took on a life of it's own, and progressed differently that I had originally imagined. The next book will be up before November!

Sorry of you hate me right now. 😁

I'll be editing this book after the epilogue, so a few details might change. But nothing major.



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