Anna and the French Kiss #1

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Let me start with reason I'm writing this 

When I finished Anna and the French Kiss I really wanted somebody to relate to in how I felt about the book. I hope I can be that somebody for someone.

I literally waited to get this book in the mail for like a week. I was so exited when it came in the mail, I practically ran to my mail box. When I got inside and began to open it up I became soooooo disappointed because I thought I got the wrong book, turns out I just got a different cover. I immediatley read the preface, and start squealing and clapping like a seal. I already can tell that I'm going to LOVE this book.

So that night around 11, I started it. (pg.15) As soon as she said that she ran into a wall I was like omg, because I had already read so many fanfics where that how the love intrest gets introduced. I was FLIPPING MY WIG IT WAS SO ADORABLE. Beautiful hallway boy.  (pg.57) So when Anna started laughing at what St. Clair said "Fo' shiz" I literally started laughing at how stupid Anna had to be to laugh that hard at that, like personally I don't think it was funny. But whatever floats her boat right.

(pg.60) "You have perfect hair" AHHHHHH when St. Clair said this I was just eqdsigbykjncjf..... I just couldn't. Even all the while I didn't like the whole cheating aspect, I still shipped it so hard. Like its so adorable. 

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