Anna and the French Kiss #3

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Now the part we've all been waiting for THE KISS..... when Etienne and Anna first kissed.. I had to re read it several times. Because at first I didn't absorb all the cuteness, honestly we all love them kissing, but I think I liked it when they held hands alot more. THAT PART WAS SO CUTE I WISH WE HAD GOT MORE HAND HOLDING IN THE BOOK JRDYGBRG. I also thought it waas kind of cheesy when the toy boat got stuck in Anna's hair. Then they were whispering and then BAM they kissed... and it was so adorable. Then Meredith had to come and ruin it *slow clap*

Somebody please clarify if they were on the eiffel tower when they had their little heart to heart at the end????? I also love that St.Clair faced his fear and I loveeeeed that. Loved it...

This wasn't as long as my future "book reviews" will be, this one is coming to an end, hopefully I get Lola and the Boy Next Door, and Isla and the Happily Ever After. DID YALL SEE ISLA IN ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS, SHE WAS THE ONE DRAWING JOSH'S TATTOO I SAW THAT AND WAS LIKE OHHHH DANG. Overall I love this book, but at the same time I really don't agree with the "cheating". It was still a FANTASTIC contemporary read...super swoon worthy...

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