Anna and the French Kiss #2

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(pg.64) OHhhhhh dang, when St. Clair scratches his head and his shirt lifts up.... oh oh oh, and I bet Anna could have seen like the v of his stomach, and oh Lordy Jesus, maybe he did it on accident, but I think he did it to tease Anna. I love how she talks about a a fire igniting inside her, and all the while I'm smiling like an idiot reading this.

(pg. 69) THEY START HAVING A PILLOW FIGHT and its just so adorable how just ah. Words can not explain how happy this made me. 

(pg.177) Sorry I skipped some parts... Ok, so during Thanksgiving I knew that Anna and St. Clair would get closer BUT HOLY MOLY he slept in her bed and they had their legs touching and it was so adorable and agh. When he took off his belt and got under the covers husbdfuytgsjj, I actually thought he was gonna ask to take his shirt off the second time, and ohhh I wish he would of.

I don't know what page this is on (mainly too lazy to look but) but whenever they go out to the movie theater, and they are like touching each others legs and staring and smiling at each other in the dark, it's literally the cutest thing ever. ITS ALL I WANT IN A RELASHONSHIP. When I read this my heart races.  

I have to say the part that made me the happiest, well there is 2 parts but one of them is when St. Clair get drunk. Super drunk. Drunk enough to put his head in between Anna's thighs and to tell her he likes her. Like I said super drunk. Oh and when he says that, HE THROWS UP ON HER. then Ellie, St. Clair's girlfriend, has to come in and interrupt everything. None of the less it's still adorable. My second favorite part is when its Anna's birthday and her friends get her super drunk. So when Anna, St. Clair, and their friends are at a club, Anna gets wasted. After a little while she sees one of her friends with St. Clair and she doesn't like it, so she ask St. Clair to dance. They go dancing but its not like platonic its justt woahhhhhh. Like grinding ad thrusting and all this crap, I WAS FREAKING OUT THE WHOLE TIME I READ IT, it was weird. Their friends described it as them "..practically having sex on the dance floor". It's super weird, BUT SO ROMANTICLY ROMANTIC AT THE SAME TIME. Anna had no clue what she was doing but St. Clair later reveals he knew exactly what he was doing. THAT JUST MEANS HE WANTS TO BE UP ALL ON ANNA AND ITS SO ADORABLE BFDGSFJFGFUYBSHB. They let their true colors show, and AWW.

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