Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I grabbed my books from my locker and closed it. I walked down the hall to Zayn's locker so we could walk to our classes together. This is one of the few times we have our classes in the same building, so we always use it. I walked up to Zayn's locker and waited for him to acknowledge me. When he closed his locker, he did and he jumped slightly.

"Haz! You scared me!" Zayn said and I smiled.

"Ready to go?" I asked and he nodded and we walked to class. When it was time to part our separate ways we gave each other a quick hug and I walked into my classroom while he walked to his class. When I entered the room I sat by the window like I usually do. Not long after did the teacher walk in and told everyone to settle down. Once everyone was quiet and in a seat he began talking again.

"So today we're doing a project. You will chose a King or Queen that once ruled The United Kingdom or Queen Elizabeth. You can work in partners or you can work alone. It has to be a two page paper with information on the King or Queen's life. It's due tomorrow. You can start now." My history teacher said before sitting down at his desk and taking out a folder of papers.

I sighed and took out my notebook. I was in the middle of deciding on who to do when I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard an Irish accent from behind me, "Mind working with me?" I turned around and looked straight into a pair of blue eyes. I smiled and nodded. Niall took the seat beside me and continued talking, "So, did you decide yet or?"

"Nah, I was thinking."

"I was thinking Queen Mary II?" Niall asked and I nodded, I really didn't have a preference. Niall smiled at me and we got to work on Queen Mary the second.


"Come over to my place so we can work some more, yeah?" Niall asked as were about to leave school and I nodded, "Right after work, I want this to be done as soon as possible."

"I know Nialler. Right after work I go to your place." I smiled and gave him a thumbs up which he returned and started my walk to work. I was almost out of the car park when I heard a honk form behind me. I turned around and saw Louis' red Porsche pull up. I smiled and shook my head but walked up to his car and opened the door and sat in the passenger's seat.

"Buckle up." Louis said with an expecting look and I playfully rolled my eyes but obliged.

"Why are you driving me?" I asked and Louis looked at me for a brief second before back at the road.

"You needed a ride. You didn't think I'd leave the school knowing you'd have to walk to work, which isn't that close might I add, while I drive home? No, no, no. I can't have my Hazza walk home. You never know with English weather, it can rain any minute." Louis explained but I stopped listening when he said my Hazza. As in his Hazza. As in I belong to him! What!?

I was becoming flustered, and fast. I couldn't bring myself to speak after that. It's like I lost my voice. My mouth just kept opening and closing like a fish. So I just stuttered out an, "U-uh.. y-yeah, yeah o-okay." The rest of the drive was silent, I think it was because of my damned awkwardness. Dammit!

I had a slight frown on my face the rest of the ride there and looked out the window so Louis wouldn't see. When we arrived I gave him a brief 'goodbye' and a wave and scurried off. Once I was inside I externally slapped myself for my awkwardness then looked and made sure no one was around. When I realized no one was I slipped on my pink apron and went to the cash register to start my shift.


"Finally! We're done with that damn paper!" Niall exclaimed overdramatically and flopped on the bed. I laughed and followed suit. We laid there for awhile just staring at the ceiling when Niall began to talk, "Harry?" Niall asked and I hummed in response, "Want to talk about Louis?" He asked in a very casual manner.

The Tutor // l.s.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora