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Harry's POV

"But daddy!" My eldest daughter, Kyla, complained, "I don't want to watch the kids."

"You have too, you are their older sister." I reasoned.

"I never signed up for this!" She screamed.

"You're definitely Louis child," I mumbled under my breathe, "You have to." I said louder.

"Why can't Uncle Niall or Uncle Liam or Uncle Zayn or Aunt Perrie watch them?" She whined.

"Uncles Niall and Liam already have children to care for and Uncle Zayn and Perrie are visiting Australia."


"Perrie's always wanted to go to Australia." I explained.

"But-" Before Kyla could continue the front door opened to reveal my beautiful husband. He just came home from work. He's a drama teacher. He told me the students were intimidated by him at first, but soon learned he's the funny and outgoing sweetheart that I fell in love with.

"What's going on?" Louis asked putting his shoulder bag down and unbuttoning his top few buttons and I couldn't help but stare. I may have seen his toned chest countless of times, but it's still sexy and irresistible.

"Daddy's making me watch Marcus and Lana, and I don't want to!" Kyla whined.

"Well, who's going to watch them while we're on our anniversary weekend?" Louis questioned.

"Uh..." Kyla trailed off thinking then sighed, "I don't know." She mumbled.

"I do!," Louis piped up, "You!" He said smiling and left a messy kiss on her cheek.

"Stop that!" She snapped being the emotional teenager she was, and stomped away.

"No stomping!" Louis yelled up the stairs.

I laughed and sat back down on the couch and put my laptop on my lap, "How do you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" Louis asked confused.

"I've been trying to convince Kyla to watch the kids for twenty minutes! And with barely a five minute conversation with her, you got her to agree!"

"What can I say, I'm great with kids. Besides she is my flesh and blood."

"I guess. You work wonders, y'know." I complimented.

"No you do, Mister-I-Can-Make-Twins. Strong sperm you got there." Louis said and I blushed.

"Way to make things awkward." I mumbled and continued working on my computer.

"Well, I'm going to pack. We leave in two days!" Louis said jumping up from the couch and pecking my cheek, but I paid little mind to him, "Did I ever tell you that you look cute when your concentrating?"

"Probably." I mumbled not looking up from the screen.

"Good," Louis said pecking my lips and walking up the steps to our room.


"Bye Daddy Harry! Bye Dad Louis!" Marcus waved at us from Kyla's arms while Lana hugged my legs. She's always been a Daddy's girl.

"Lana," I said softly, "You have to let go, love." I said gently clawing her arms off.

"But Daddy," She cried.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" I said softly stroking her hair. I wiped her tears while she sniffled nodding.

"Bye Dad," She said looking up at Louis then hugging his legs. He smiled and played with her curls like he does with me, then she let go and walked over to Kyla.

The Tutor // l.s.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz