6.4K 715 43

Kas calmly slipped the credit chip from her belt and slid it across the counter. The male handler on the other side collected it with a white-gloved hand and placed it gently on a glass circular plate which lit up like a frosted window in sunlight.

'If you would look at me, please,' the handler said. Kas did and saw his eyes flickering a soft green as they darted from side to side, comparing her face against the holo-ID only he could see. Kas knew a palm scan would've been way more accurate, but that was sometimes considered to be invasive and the Artisseum dealt with very wealthy, powerful people who preferred the personal touch. Still, Kas had done it enough times now to know this guy was taking his time about it.

'There a problem?' she said.

The handler promptly came out of his trance and looked at Kas as if for the first time. A smile engulfed his face.

'Not at all, Ms Balera. Everything is in order. I can now complete your transaction.' He paused - this was normally where the customer said 'Thank you very much,' but Kas just gave him the lazy eye. The handler nodded and tried to widen his smile even further. 'If you'll bear with me, this will only take a moment.' He went back into his trance and the grin fell apart.

Kas waited again while he appeared to read something in the air between them, his gloved right hand making occasional pinching and swiping gestures by his side. He blinked and the soft green light in his eyes dulled as he turned back to Kas.

'All done, Ms Balera. Thank you very much for your continued custom.' He took Kas's credit chip from the glass plate and held it out to her. Kas swiped it and slipped it back into her belt as she walked away, 343 thousand credits richer.

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