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The marble's glass shell suddenly became opaque, turning the room pitch black before a bright blue grid appeared in its place, a lattice of curved lines that made Kas feel as if she was trapped inside a spherical cage of light. She looked down and saw that the floor had turned transparent, making it seem as though she were standing in mid-air. The effect made her feel slightly unsteady and she touched one hand to Swanne's desk to give herself anchor.

'Eidol is made up of nine levels,' Swanne narrated, and right on queue, the marble divided itself into nine semi-transparent blue segments that started small at the top and gradually increased in size as they reached the middle before shrinking again towards the base. 'Each has a different purpose. Level one at the top is the hangar - that's where your ship is currently awaiting repair. Level two is the barracks. Three houses our food gardens and water depositories. Level four is for staff living quarters and recreational facilities, and the rest are laboratories. You see? We live in something of a bubble here.'

'Fascinating,' Kas replied. Swanne was pretending like she was doing her a favour by showing her Eidol's layout, but Kas wasn't stupid. Prisoners on Carcem were treated to a similar show when they were signed in, the idea being to demonstrate just how impossible escape would be and nip any attempt in the bud. It was deliberately wrong, however, so that if anyone was stupid enough to try and escape, they'd get entirely lost.

'Yes,' Swanne said. 'But as I've previously mentioned, Eidol's position in the solar system is extremely secretive, so it makes me a little concerned when a simple civilian such as yourself arrives right on our doorstep. How did you come to be here, exactly?'

'Like I told the captain, I think it's best I don't talk about that without legal counsel.'

'You seem to think we have you under arrest.'

'Don't you?'

'Of course not. You are our guest here until safe transport for your return journey can be arranged.'

'Then what was all that talk about accessing my C-Ram?'

'If Eidol's location is compromised, then as governor, it's very important that I know how. I would consider it a personal favour if you confided in me, as I have in you.'

'I wish I could help you, Governor, but I have to think about my own interests here. I'm sure you can understand.'

'So you can't tell me, or you won't?'

Kas shrugged. 'Both.'

Swanne nodded as her face froze over. 'That's a shame.' Her voice suddenly sounded sharp as though she had been holding it against a grinder. 'I hope you don't come to regret it.'

'Is that a threat?'

'You're threatening yourself with that sharp tongue.'

Kas looked into her eyes and saw cruelty glowing like an emerald fire behind them - or maybe it was just the bionic enhancements. The last fragments of civility fell away from Swanne's face like a burning mask and revealed a glimpse of her true self.

'I will have the truth out of you, Miss Balera. I guarantee it.'

'Good luck with that.'

Swanne didn't reply. Instead, she swivelled in her chair to face the silver panther lying by the door. Her eyes glowed green and the panther looked up at her instantly. Without a word being said, the metal beast rose to its feet and turned to look at Kas.

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