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He could feel himself start to shake as the moment grew closer.
The mad racing of his heart almost painful in his chest.
It seemed to take over his whole body, making his trembling knees go even weaker.
He could taste it on his tongue as it sucked away the moisture, leaving his mouth dry as dust.
It filled his ears, drowning out every other sound.

Almost every other sound...

- thump. thump. thump. -

Beneath him, the floor started to shake with every impact.
Almost imperceptibly at first, but growing more and more noticeable by the second.
A little stronger, with each "thump".
A little stronger with each approaching STEP.

- Thump. Thump. Thump. -

His hands were getting sweaty, but he could no longer feel his body. Only his painfully racing heart and the increasingly quick bursts of breath rushing in and out of him even registered, as the human's massive feet came crashing down closer and closer to his tiny body, each impact an earthquake powerful enough to shake the world.


His mind screamed at him to run, to hide, but he was frozen, couldn't move, caught like a deer in the headlights.
Directly in the giant's path.
Unable to do anything but stare up, up,
up, at the towering shape.

- THUMP! -

A foot crashing down in front of him.

Too big for words.
Powerful beyond comprehension.

The sheer force of the impact enough to throw him off his feet.

In the distance, another foot was lifted, came rushing, a large shadow falling over him, the human's gigantic body right above him now, a gust of air hitting him as something enormous rushed past and-

- THUMP! -

- the human's foot came down, crashing into the floor somewhere behind him.

Not thinking of anything much, Dan walked on past, completely oblivious to the tiny body lying shivering on the floor, only half-hidden underneath the sideboard he'd just passed.

"Oh fuck," Elliot gasped, breathing hard.

That had been close.
So close.
So dangerous.

"Oh fuck."

And so worth it.

A tiny hand made its way down, to fumble with the button on an equally tiny pair of skinny jeans - freeing a sizable erection.

"Oh fuck me, that was HOT."



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Disgusting Little Deviant - The Delightful Tale of Elliot The BorrowerWhere stories live. Discover now