Let's Try That Again: Meet Elliot

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Elliot stood on the very edge of the shelf, body tense, a few beads of sweat appearing on his forehead as he concentrated on the object on the counter below.

He could feel the intense pressure in his gut, strong enough to be painful, but he tried his best to ignore it.

Time was almost up.

He couldn't fail. Not this time. Not again.

The woman in the next room was almost done with her exercise routine, there was no more time, but the distance was insane, he'd have to get this exactly right, else it would all have been for nothing, all that work, the suffering, the mounting pain...

That woman...

Half a year...

Half a year of torture, of starvation...

He had failed before, he had to make it this time.
Failing would mean it all had been in vain, failing would mean enduring another day of this hell.

The sheer stress of it all made his muscles want to tremble, but he couldn't allow that, he had to pull himself together, he only had this one shot.

Half a year...

All those things she had done to his mom... to him...

His back ached as he took aim, a sharp pain shooting through his abdomen. He wouldn't be able to endure this much longer.

Focus. Aim. You can do this.
Times up - now or never!

A final silent prayer and Elliot let go.

A thin stream shot out through the vast empty space in a perfect arch, making its way down within seconds, finding its target.

Elliot closed his eyes and gave what was possibly the deepest, most heartfelt sigh of his entire life so far as the seemingly neverending stream of his urine hit the liquid in the waiting glass below dead center.

He had held it in for two days straight in preparation for this. At one point the thought his bladder might rupture from the strain, the pain had been excruciating.

But hell, the bitch had it coming.

Half a year!

Half a year of low carb sugar-free raw-vegan diet, before his father had finally convinced his mom to let at least the rest of the family cook their own food!

This horrible, health-crazy hag of a human had basically broken his mom by leaving all of that crazy mind-washing shit lying around where defenseless women could find it.

And that bloody podcast she kept recording.

His mom had been a helpless victim!

So what if at the time it had melted the last remnants of his "baby fat" away and had transformed him from a spotty-faced chubster into one of the hottest teens around?
That didn't mean she'd ever been forgiven for the unimaginable suffering she'd put him through at the time.

She'd basically killed family dinners for the rest of his life!

His mom had been a Goddess of all things edible!
Her baked goods had made ambrosia seem like dried, old dust cakes by comparison!
But thanks to the crazy bitch from 4b, now all she ever produced were lumpy, sugarfree obscenities that looked like mud and, insult upon injury, she tried to pass off as "cookies"!

He finished, taking care to shake off the last drops before putting everything back where it belonged.

Well, he thought with grim satisfaction, you know what they say about some things being best served cold.
Such as a nice, chilled glass of deliciously healthy post-work-out Sauerkraut-juice.

Disgusting Little Deviant - The Delightful Tale of Elliot The BorrowerWhere stories live. Discover now