New Nightmares, New Troubles

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I woke up sweating and screaming. When I caught my breath I realized everything was a nightmare, at least for now. I lit a candle and started calming myself down. Peter ran into my tent with a knife in case something or someone was attacking me.

"Sorry, everything is ok Peter, I didn't mean to wake you." He put the knife away and sat down.

"Are you ok? What happened?" He asked calmly.

"I'm fine, I had a night mare about my father. I just am still trying to process everything that happened tonight and I haven't fully processed it yet so I just keep reliving that moment in the woods tonight." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Yeah, after some time I'll be fine. I just need to forget what happened, which will probably never happen. But, I need to get to a point where I can handle it rationally and not wake everyone up." He chuckled.

"Well, just know that nothing is going to happen to you because I and the lost boys are looking after you. And if there is anything else I can do, let me know." I nodded and laid back down. I thought he left, but I guess not because a few minutes later when I was starting to fall asleep he blew the light out. 

I quickly fell asleep and had no more nightmares as I slept.

When I woke up the next morning, I got dressed in my tight black pants that went to my waist and my cropped shirt with intricate beading along the top. I also had a holster and Katana across my chest. I threw my curled red hair in a high ponytail and placed my crystal head piece on my forehead. It dangled on my forehead, but it was very pretty.

When I was ready, I made my way to the beach. I usually meditated in the mornings to get rid of any bad thoughts from yesterday, and there were quite a few of them. As I began clearing my mind, I heard someone coming. I figured, if they didn't attack me, it was probably Peter. If they did decide to attack me I'm ready. A minute passed and they didn't attack me so I assumed the first.

"Peter?" He walked closer now that I acknowledged him.

"Good morning, did you sleep better after I left?" I nodded.

"Yes, thank you for calming me down, I appreciate it." I had this entire conversation without opening my eyes.

"No problem, mind if I join you?"

"I didn't know you meditated."

"I was trained by the same man you were... before you were." I had completely forgotten.

"That's right, and no I don't mind if you join." He sat down and levitated himself off the ground. When I decided my mind was cleared enough a few hours later, I gently lowered myself down and tried not to disturb Peter, however he finished right around the time I did.

"That's much better, the lost boys think it's weird that I do that, so I don't always do it. Thanks for letting me join." I nodded and smiled.

"No problem, thanks for a lot of other things you've already heard. I owe you my life and anything I have." He chuckled.

"I don't need anything, well except a new bow, but one of the lost boys can make it." I finally had an opportunity to do something to help him.

"No, I want to do it. It's the least I could do for you. Please let me do it?" I pleaded hoping he would let me do it.

"Alright, if you want to do it that badly." I smiled.

"Wonderful, it should be done tomorrow, but you can't peek until I'm done." I said excitedly.

"I promise I won't look at it until tomorrow when it's done." 

"Good, I'm so excited. It's been so long since I made something with my hands. I'm making this by hand, not using my powers."

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