Chapter Two

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Willow held back the howl of grief that was threatening to escape her throat. Destruction, as far as the eye could see. It was horrible. Willow strained her ears, trying to hear something; anything that would tell her that she wasn't the only living thing around. But there was nothing. Absolute. Dead. Silence.

     A shiver ran through Willow's pelt as she looked around the now desolate land. It could be many, many journeys before this forest gets even close to what it used to be. Willow thought to herself. I have to leave; I have to find new territory. Maybe I could even find one that can't be ripped up by a wind-snake. But what if there isn't any other territory as fulfilling and plentiful as this one was. Willow frowned at the thought of it. Well either way I can't stay here.

Willow looked up at the sky. The moon had just reached the sky, and there was no trace of the sun left. Willow sighed, she'd just have to travel in the dark then. Willow set off in the direction where the moon had rose. The moment she started walking, Willow almost immediately wished she was a bird. There were fallen trees everywhere, making it difficult to walk a rabbit chase without having to climb over one. To make it worse, there were remains of twigs and plants covering the ground, poking at your paws every time you took a step.

Willow stopped to listen once more, but again, there was nothing.

It was about moon-high when a sudden movement in the debris caught Willow's eye. She quickly crouched to the ground and sniffed. A mouse! The moment Willow thought that the mouse appeared once again, running from the shelter of a branch. The lean she-wolf swiftly batted at it, killing the mouse instantly. The sight of the now deceased rodent made Willow's mouth water. She quickly gulped it down licked her lips at the taste of fresh kill. It's just a snack though, I will still need to find more prey. Preferably something bigger than a mouse or squirrel.

Close to where she caught the mouse, there was a slope in the ground. A small overhanging rock sheltered a place perfect for a wolf or two to sleep in. Willow felt as if it was a sign from the Sky-Wolves, telling her that everything would be alright.


Willow woke just as the sun was rising over the debris. As she rose to her paws, she felt her hunger clawing at her stomach. She wished she had known the wind-snake was going to attack. If she'd had known, she would have tried more with hunting. The only thing Willow ate that day was a squirrel. Then she had a snack of a mouse at moon-high. That amount of prey wasn't nearly enough for a grown wolf.

     Willow sniffed desperately at the air. There was no sign of any larger prey, but she did catch the scent of a squirrel. It smelled injured. Probably hurt from the storm. Willow thought as she started to sniff its trail. As the scent grew stronger and the squirrel came into sight, Willow noticed it was injured. One of it's hind paws was stuck under a fallen tree. It was struggling quite a bit, but it hadn't been there too long. If it had it would've probably gnawed it's leg off and gotten free. If I hadn't been in my den, that could have happened to me... Willow suppressed a shiver at the thought of it. Actually, I'm lucky I didn't get killed like all of these trees did.

Willow quickly ended the squirrel and started eating it. The warm taste filled Willow's mouth as she ate. Again, it was only a snack for the she-wolf.

     Willow finished the squirrel quickly. She buried the bones as a thanks to the Sky-Wolves for the prey. Willow remembered that her mother had taught her that, to bury the bones. Always respect the people who formed you to be who you are. She'd say. They are the only ones who know you better than you know yourself. Willow shook away the memory of her mother. She's gone now. I should stop thinking about her; it only brings me down.

It was a little while since she ate the squirrel when Willow yelped in joy. Little by little, trees were appearing. They were spread out and injured but they were there. In the distance, a long stretch of trees rose, signaling of a forest that had not been slaughtered by the wind-snake. Willow listened hard, trying to hear the sound of birds singing. She heard them! That forest was alive! Willow let out a long high pitched howl and started running full speed toward the forest.

Willow saw the forest getting closer and closer as she ran. The moment Willow hopped over the border of destruction to life, she dropped down onto the grass and just rolled around. The soft grass comforted Willow, and the sweet scent of the forest filled her nose. Willow felt the most happy that she had been in journeys.

As Willow was still rolling in the grass, all her senses blinded by happiness, a sudden weight came over her. It took the she-wolf a moment to realize she had been pinned down by another wolf. It's head was lowered threateningly, and it's blue eyes were challenging. It was a she-wolf, also.

     "Why have you trespassed on our territory?" The other wolf growled, her bright white fur bristling.

     "I did not trespass." Willow growled, her teeth showing. "I am only passing through. My terri-"

     The other wolf cut her off. "We do not take trespassers lightly here." She growled. Willow growled back and the other wolf licked her lips nervously, but other than that, kept a tough demeanor.

     "Let me go."

     "No, I won't let you go." The she-wolf let out a loud howl. Almost immediately more wolves came. There were four in total, not counting the one who had attacked Willow. One was a light gray furred male. Another was a dark black she-wolf, and next to her was another she-wolf, but this one had black and white fur. The last one was a brown male. They all looked ready to attack at any moment.

     The white furred female that had attacked Willow was still pinning her down. As she spoke to the other wolves, she kept her eyes fixed on Willow and she kept a sly smile on her face. "I think we've got ourselves a prisoner"

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