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Emily readjusted the backpack hanging off her shoulder. It was a gift from Archie, the team's resident tinkerer, tech guru, and gear-maestro. The thirteen-year-old was constantly making things in his lab, ranging from new arrows for Emily or improvements to Oscar's PyroBands.

He was also the smartest person she knew. But it wasn't like he needed telling that. The boy made it a point to flaunt his intelligence every chance he got.

The bag he had given her functioned as a disguise for her quiver. Her arrows were concealed inside, and with the press of a button, the fabric would fold in on itself to assume its true form. It was perfect for the day's mission, which involved walking through crowds of people who might've been afraid of a girl with a bow and explosive arrows.

As for her bow, it was also hidden inside her new bag. It was collapsed into a flat, nondescript rod. She hoped she wouldn't need it.

"Did you think this many people would show up?" Kai said from beside her.

She shrugged. There were a ton of people present for Crane's rally; more than she expected. She couldn't believe he had that many fans. She nearly gagged at the thought of him. Despite being toward the back of the crowd, she could hear his voice booming through the amplifiers placed around the floor. His face was also being projected onto a jumbotron near the stage.

She barely wanted to see his actual face. What made people think she needed to see an even bigger version of it?

To make matters worse, all the noises around her were being to overwhelm her senses. Her head ached as pressured built up behind her nose in her eardrums.

"I can't wait till this thing is over," she grumbled while rubbing her ears.

"We've gotta stay alert," Kai reminded. "Those Primes could be in this crowd."

"I know, I know." She dropped her hands and scanned the faces of those around her. No one looked like they were planning to murder the senator on the stage. Then again, she wasn't quite sure what that would look like.

Eventually, she turned her attention back to Crane's speech. He was going on about the promises he would fulfill if he was elected president of the United States. Emily knew enough about politics to know that half the things politicians promised never came to fruition. It was almost as if they were serial liars.

Or maybe they really thought they could deliver on everything they planned. She wasn't sure which was worse; blatant lies or irresponsible naivety.

"Everyone's just eating this up." She glanced at those around her, her lip curled in disgust. She faced Kai. "Can you believe this?"

"You have to admit," the girl said. "He's an excellent politician."

"He gets no props from me."

She folded her arms over her chest and lifted her chin. Trying to block out the sound of Crane's droning voice, she heard her communicator come to life as someone entered the channel.

"Reverb. Pisces. You two see anything out there?"

It was Andre. With Chase having taken to the stage with the senator, the metal-armed giant was taking on their leader's ground duties.

"Nothing here," Kai answered. "How's it going where you're at?"

"Everything's normal over here." He paused. "Neon keeps trying to steal people's car keys. Hold on..." Something rustled in the background. "Alright, you two let me know if you see anything. I'm gonna go handle Neon."

The line went dead.

Emily stifled a laugh as she pictured Zach zipping through the crowd and slipping people's keys out their pockets. He was basically Theo with a lot more courage and energy. Whenever the two speedsters were together, it was a recipe for disaster.

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