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"What the hell is that?"

Oscar pointed at the device in Archie's hand. It looked some cross between a TV remote control and a walkie-talkie. A rounded button sat on its side like a welt. Green lights blinked along the top of it.

"Oh, this old thing?" Grinning, Archie readjusted his glasses. "Just something I've been working on. I figured if I'm going to be in the field with you guys, I should have some protection. We can't all have superpowers like you guys."

"Luckily for you," Oscar began with a smile, "you won't have to be doing any fighting. You're only here for surveillance. You're our eyes and ears, Glitch."

"Well, what if I want to be something more than that?"

He pursed his lips, struggling to come up with a reply. The inside of the Atlas truck he, Archie, Lucky, and Holly sat in fell silent for a few moments. After a while, Lucky inquired about the functions of Archie's handheld weapon.

"Oh, it's a—"

An explosion sounded outside. Screams rang out in the distance. Sirens blared down the street, inching closer and closer by the second.

Oscar's heart stopped as he saw smoke billowing into the sky. It was coming from Crane's rally.

Furrowing his brows, he leaned forward from behind the steering wheel. The others peered out the windows as well, confusion sprayed across their faces like bold graffiti.

For the past hour, the four of them had been sitting in the parking lot bordering the park Senator Crane's rally was taking place in. While the rest of the Prime Task Force was dispersed through the crowd of people, Oscar's team had been playing multiple rounds of rock paper scissors, listening to the radio, and keeping tabs on the action through the tablet in Archie's hands. Before the rally started, he launched a few drones—fitted with high-definition cameras—into the sky.

Everything had been calm ten minutes before.

But now the stage was on fire and people were running everywhere. Through Archie's drone feed, he spotted Chase, Andre, Angus, and Emily battling a few Primes. Oscar's eyes widened when he saw Frost—his old nemesis.

"This isn't good," Lucky said.

"No kidding," Oscar replied.

Holly face-palmed. "Why did Crane 'ave to open his gob? The nonce."

"I don't know," Oscar said, "but we need to—"

He was interrupted by a black van speeding past his windshield. Time seemed to slow down as it went by. Squinting, he managed to get a look at the driver. It was Viper, the Prime from the Times Square attack. He locked eyes with the woman for a split second.

Static filled his ear before Chase's voice came through.

"Fuego, come in."

He barely heard his team captain. He was too busy watching Viper speed towards the exit of the parking lot. Frightened civilians jumped out of the van's path, desperately trying to not to get hit. It didn't seem like the woman had any plans on slowing down.


His mouth went dry as he pressed his finger to his ear. "I'm here, I'm here."

"Do you have eyes on the targets? They've taken the senator in a—"

"—a black van?" Oscar gripped the steering wheel. "I see them. We're in pursuit."

"Do not let them get away," Chase ordered. "I'm counting on you."

Hidden Enemies | The Prime Archives #2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now