Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Luke's POV

It was the afternoon after Sophie and I had argued on the London Eye and it seemed it was all the whole of our year could talk about. No one expected us to fight. In their eyes we were 'perfect for each other' and 'obviously in love'. I thought maybe this would fight would make people realise that we were just friends but no. Somehow it had gotten around that we were having a 'lovers tiff' but of course they all believed we would make up soon.

So did I.

But since the fight Sophie hasn't so much as looked at me. I thought we would have talked by now. Normally we would have talked by now but this wasn't like our normal fights. Normally we would have made up by now. Normally we would make up within a couple of hours.

I had never not talked to Sophie for more than a couple of hours, even when one of us was on holiday. We would always keep in contact via text, phone and Skype.

At the moment we had just eaten lunch in a park and were walking back to our coach which would take us to the Madame Tussauds - where they had life size wax models of celebrities - (It's a famous tourist attraction in London) and George was trying to persuade me to talk to Sophie.

"Come on man just talk to her." George practically begged.

"Maybe," I sighed finally, tired of resisting. He had been asking me to talk to her all through lunch and I was sick of it. I was sick of thinking about her. I was tired of imagining her, and her soft hair that I would never be able to tangle my hands in again. I was sick of imagining the feel of her perfect pink lips against mine, especially since I knew I would never feel them against mine again. I hated knowing I would never see the excited look in her eyes when I kissed her. I didn't want to think about any of those things and I most definitely didn't want to agree with Sophie and say that we should stop because I knew that I needed to feel her lips against mine. I needed her.

"Really?" George asked, his voice growing slightly higher as he thought he had finally cracked me.

"Sure, whatever" I sighed.

"Good," he said happily, "She is just over there," he continued pointing her out in the sea of students. My lips tightened into a thin line as I saw her chestnut brown hair hanging loosely around her shoulders.

"Not now," was all I said as all these emotions I couldn't interpret flooded my body.

"When then?" George whined.

"I don't know!" I snapped, "This is really none of your business George! This is between Sophie and I and I will talk to her when I want to! Why is this such a big deal anyway?" I growled, not wanting to raise my voice too loud.

"Because I know you, and I know that deep down you are worried sick that you are going to lose her. Also I know that if you two don't stop acting so stupid then you are going to lose each other and that will be shit for both of you because you are both too blind to see..."

"What?" I growled, "Too blind to see that we are in love with each other?" I shouted. I was tired of telling every single person in our year that we were not in love but I never expected one of those people to be George. He was meant to be my best friend!

"Yeah actually!" George shouted back, his face growing slightly red as anger flashed across his eyes.

"For god's sake..." I started.

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