Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

AN: Sorry it took me so long to update. Sorry no proofreading again, I guess you guys are used to that by now though!

"Are you just trying to rub it in my face that I'm single?" George asked as he walked past us to Emily who was standing by the door awkwardly. As the words left George's mouth I instantly felt my cheeks warm up and I jumped back from Luke like he burned me.

"Shut up," Luke mumbled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hotel room.

"So is this what it is going to be like from now on? Are you and Sophie going to be all coupley?" Luke whined as he followed us towards the lift.

"I know," I said spinning around so I was now facing George, "Why don't you go out with Emily, then we can be all coupley together," I chuckled. I half meant what I said as a joke, however, I had noticed that during our time in England George had been giving Emily these little looks every so often and I couldn't help but wonder if he liked her.

"Pfftt," George said as he cheeks ever so slightly darkened, "as if that would ever happen," he continued as he pushed Emily's shoulder playfully.

"Why not?" I asked, digging for more details.

"Nah, she's way too good for me," George said jokingly, but I could tell there was a little bit of truth behind his words.

"You've got that right," I teased as I spun back around and continued towards the elevators.

The restaurant wasn't far from the hotel so we walked rather than take a coach - especially as parking was scarce in London. The restaurant had reserved one long table for the teachers and the rest of us were dotted around on smaller tables. Emily, George, Luke and I and a couple of Luke and George's other friends sat on a table together. Everyone ended up ordering pizza seeing as we were in an Italian restaurant, except for me who ordered pasta.

"You just had to be different didn't you?" Luke teased as he casually slung his arm round the back of my chair.

"Yeah, because you know how much I like to stand out," I replied sarcastically. It was in fact the exact opposite. I hated being the centre of attention. I hated the feeling of everyone's eyes being on me. I always felt like I was being judged and if I made one wrong decision I would be laughed at. Luke knew that.

"I don't care, as long as I can try some of yours," Luke smirked. He knew I hated pizza - weird I know - therefore he would get away with having some of mine without having to give up any of his.

"Fine, but I'm not feeding it to you. I know you struggle to use a knife and fork but you are a seventeen - nearly eighteen - year old boy, you need to learn," I teased.

"Nah, I was thinking we could have one of those lady and the tramp moments where we both eat the same piece of spaghetti," he whispered in my ear as he leaned closer to me. My heart instantly went into overdrive as he warm breath tickled my skin.

"I'm glad I ordered the penne rather than the spaghetti then," I giggled just as the waitress returned with our drinks.

"Guess it'll have to be next time then," Luke smirked as he sat back in his chair again, but I couldn't help but notice how his arm remained around my chair.

We all chatted easily while we ate. Luke managed to eat his whole pizza as well as half my pasta.

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