Chapter Three;;Telling

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Johnnys pov;;
After dinner Ponyboy and I left to go to the secret place. The walk was mostly silent until I remembered something.

"Wait, Pone. Yesterday you told me that you would tell me why you were cryin' last night." I said.

He looked at the ground. "I'll tell you when we get there." He mumbled softly. "I promise."

"Okay. But just no that you don't have to tell me something if you don't want to." I put my arm around Ponyboy's shoulder, and blushed.

"I know," he smiled and we continued walking.

When we got to the river, the sun started setting.

"Wow, it just started and it's already beautiful." I said. My mouth slowly curved into a small smile.

"It really is." Pony said.

I turned to pony and smiled at him before turning back to look at the sky.

I watched as the sky slowly became redder, and had some orange mixed it. The redder it became, the more it reflected on the water, giving it the red tint that I loved last night.

I was staring at the water, when ponyboy suddenly turned to me.

"J-johnny?" He stuttered.

"What's wrong Ponyboy?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"When... when I tell you this, can you promise that you won't h-hate me?" He teared up and I gasped.

Why would I hate him? Nothing could make me hate him.

"Pone, nothing you say or do could ever make me hate you." I looked at him, concerned.

"I... I like you," he put his hands in front of his face, like he thought I would hit him.

I would never lay a finger on him or hurt him in any way possible.

"Pone..." i moved his hands down. "I like you too, I was just afraid to admit it because I didn't want to ruin the friendship."

Then I did something that even I wasn't expecting.

I leaned in, and kissed him.

I pulled away, really fast.

"Sorry! I-I wasn't... I just..." I sighed and started over. "I wasn't thinking."

He got up. "It's fine." He smiled. "I liked it."

I stood up to, and kissed him again.

Pony pulled away this time, and looked at me. "Johnathan Cade, will you be my boyfriend?"

I smiled. "Of course, Ponyboy."

We looked at the water one more time before I laced our fingers together and we began our walk home.

"Johnny, I'm very happy that you said yes." Pony said, smiling at the ground adorably.

"Of course I said yes. I've had a crush on you since Windrixville." I admitted.

"Really?" He asked. "I have too, I was just to afraid to admit it."

I smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown. "I hate how we were too afraid to be ourselves. To admit who we like. I hate how we're unaccepted."

He pulled me into a hug. "It's okay Johnnycake. Soda accepts us."

I looked up. "He does?"

"Yeah. He told me last night. That's why I was crying, they were happy tears because I was scared that he wouldn't, but he did." He said.

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