Chapter Fourteen;; Gone

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Dally's PoV
You know that feeling of regret? The one where you feel like you maybe crossed a line? Me neither.

I was sitting on the couch thinking about it though. Maybe I did pressure Johnny a little too much, but I don't think so.

But maybe I should apologize to him anyway. Not Ponyboy of course. But Johnny.

I slowly got off the couch, wanting to procrastinate this apology. I wanted to have everything planned ahead of time, but that wasn't gonna happen so I was just gonna wing it.

While I was walking, I started smiling. The sun had started setting.

You shut the fuck up. I'm not a softy. It's just kinda...good looking?

Shut up.

Anyway, I was on my way to Johnny's house when I heard something. A mustang.

I started walking faster, wanting to avoid anything happening.  I was about to apologize to someone, the situation was bad enough already.

I guess I wasn't going fast enough, but I really wish I was. I heard the engine roar, and felt the car slam against my back full force.

I flew over the car and landed on my back. My head was throbbing, and my back felt like it was slowly being torn apart.

I was barely holding, but I heard rapid footsteps followed by Ponyboy's voice.

"Dally? Dally don't worry, you're going to be okay." He said.

"Pony," my voice was barely a whisper. "You make Johnny happy. Keep it that way, he deserves it and his happiness is all that matters to me. Tell him I'm sorry,"

I let out one more choked sob before I couldn't hear or see anything. That was it for me.

Ponyboy's PoV
I was walking home from the hospital alone because Johnny went home to get some clothes.

I heard a loud engine and I thought someone was going to jump me, but when I heard someone scream, and I recognized it, I ran towards the sound.

I saw Dallas laying on the ground with blood coming from multiple places. I know I was mad at him, but he was still part of the gang.

I ran over. "Dally? Dally don't worry, you're going to be okay."

"Pony," his voice was very quiet, almost not even audible. "You make Johnny happy. Keep it that way, he deserves it and his happiness is all that matters to me. Tell him I'm sorry,"

He let out one more choked sob before his eyes closed slowly and he was gone.

I don't know how long I sat beside his lifeless body just crying.

Eventually though, I slowly walked home, my hands were in my pockets, my hood was up and I was keeping my head down, afraid to look up. I know it sounds stupid to be afraid to look up, but at the moment I was.

And I don't even know why.

When i walked inside, immediately all eyes were on me.

"Ponyboy what's wrong? Why do you have blood on you?" Soda and Darry rushed over to me, the gang following them.

"I-it's," I couldn't finish. I just couldn't.

"What's wrong?" Steve put his hand on my shoulder, and I don't know why, but that relaxed me.

"It's not my blood." I said, "it's not mine."

I whispered the last part, partially because I was afraid of the reaction. What if they thought I killed someone? But also because of the fact that Dally's actually gone. And he's not coming back.

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