Don't Drink Kids!

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We walked into the pub and no one gave us a second glance. I don't think Abraham was used to not getting attention when he walked in the room. He kept saying how rude they were that they weren't even looking at us. Abraham ordered himself a beer and me a tea. He said that 'a woman such as yourself doesn't need such a strong drink as a man does.' Boy did I ever shut that down fast. After loudly explaining that I could drink anything just as well as he could,I ordered three giant beers just for myself and drank them all down as fast I could. I hate alcohol, I can't stand the taste but I had to prove a point here. The only time I got drunk was at a friend's. We found a bottle of whisky and drank the entire thing together. That night we smashed every window in her house. I got in so much trouble I swore off alcohol for life(the hangover also helped with that decision.) Every man in that pub gathered around amazed that 'a fine lady such as myself could drink just as well as they could.'

I was showing the other girls in the pub how to handle the beer (since it had never occurred to them to try it) when the innkeeper pulled out a box with several bottles in it.

"I 'ave a shipmen' o' whiskey!" The fat innkeeper shouted pouring shots for the entire pub. I got four shots down before my head was so fuzzy i could barely stand. Abraham got down eleven though, with a dazed lopsided grin he bowed clumsily to the others. Apparently it was a contest and he got third place. The person who got second place was a middle aged woman who had originally come here to haul her husband home but I convinced her just to stay a few for a few drinks. Her husband looked conflicted like he was trying to decide whether to be proud or embarrassed at being beaten by his wife that hardly ever drank. The guy who got first place got like twenty shots down (I was too buzzed to be listening to the numbers) and was now lying face down on the floor snoring.

Abraham sat down at the table that I was at, "This is the most fun I have ever expierenced!"

"Abe, stop yelling!" I yelled back.

"We should do this tomorrow, and the next tomorrow, and the next, and next," he slurred.

"Hey wanna hear something crazy?" I leaned across the table, "I'm from the future!"

"The future?" He smiled.

"Mhmm," I nodded my eyes heavy, "Wanna see proof?"

Just then a guy a little less drunk then the rest of us pointed across the room. "I know who they are! They are Abraham Warlest and Elizabeth Hemerton!" A few people tried to chase of out but were too drunk to even get out of their chairs. The rest cheered us on "Who would have considered it!" yelled a woman jollily. Me and Abraham ran out of the pub. We held hands, giggling like schoolchildren as we ran down the street. We went back to the pond and sat down ignoring the marshy grass. The moon was barely showing through the clouds. We leaned against each other, my head resting on his shoulder.

"I am relieved that I am marrying you instead of Elizabeth. She let her emotions run her and expected myself to fix and do all she wanted," he said in a moment of clarity.

"Mmm," I mumbled, too groggy to respond.

"Are you using her wedding gown," He asked leaning his head on mine.

"I dunno,"

"It is only a fortnight away,"

"Ha ha, fortnight. That's so old." I wrapped my fingers between his, "Mrs Warlest. Mrs York-Warlest. Ha ha my mom'll kill me."

"You never showed me your proof," he mumbled in my ear.

"Mmm yes. I'll show ya," I pulled out my phone and put it in his hands. He flipped it over a few times.

"What is this?"

"Press the button," I giggled. He would be so surprised when it turns on.

"The what?"

Dear Past, You Suck!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat