Wicked Witch of the West(Of Town)

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Wilbur barked gleefully. I gently grabbed his muzzle to quiet him. He took the gesture well and pressed further into my hand, happily nuzzling me. I have seen a lot of English Foxhounds but he was the cutest. He had large gentle eyes and a constantly wagging tail. He was relatively quiet from what I had seen for the past few hours but he couldn't help but bark at the commotion downstairs. They were getting ready for the rehearsal dinner. The wedding was tomorrow. My wedding is tomorrow. Even in my own head it doesn't seem real. Well that's funny. Out of everything that has happened to me, this doesn't seem real? I am strange.

Eleanor had brought Wilbur in before lunch this morning. She smuggled him into my room in a large basket of linens. I thought it was weird that the linens seemed to be shaking until a brown head popped up. She also brought an old and extremely dirty loop of frayed rope with him. She said it was the only thing he ever played with.I had hidden in my room 'getting ready for tonight' all day, throwing the rope and getting to know Wilbur. Eleanor had visited a few times throughout the day. She said her alibi was that she was assisting me in getting ready, but in actuality we just talked and played with Wilbur. Eleanor was astonished how fast Wilbur took a liking to me. Apparently he is normally quite shy. It pleases me a lot when animals like me. I value the opinions of animals more than people, to say the truth.

Shuffled footsteps whished by my door. Someone fiddled with the door knob struggling to get in. I put Wilbur into his basket and gently wrapped a blanket around him, only his nose poking out. My feet hopped quickly across the wood floor. I pulled open the door to see a man standing in the doorway- his face shrouded by a large bundle of assorted flowers and his hands filled with a few polished wooden boxes.

"Hi?" I said uncertainty as he moved into the room.

"Would you be able to take some of these off of my possession? They are gifts for my darling any how," Abraham said from behind the bushel of flowers.

My fingers lingered on his as I took the boxes off him, setting them down on my vanity. The daisies in my window were already dying so I removed them without a thought, throwing them into the overly ornate trash can. The roses smelt sweet; they were as fresh as they could be. The vase was better suited to the roses than the daisies-black vase, red flowers. Abraham grinned proudly.

"Thank you. It's all really nice, Abe."

"I remembered correct? Roses are a gift of love and jewelry is a gift to show affection in the 21st century?" He asked with an earnest yet proud smile. He picked the two boxes off of the vanity beside me. One was small and square, the other long and thin. I could already tell what both of the boxes were for: a ring and a necklace.

"Yes you got it right," I chuckled attempting to take the ring box from him but he held it above his head; about four inches too high.

"No this one first," he handed me the necklace box. I opened it to see a beautiful diamond and sapphire necklace, it felt heavy in my hands. I don't know what it would feel like on my neck. "I was hoping that you would wear it tonight for dinner. And tomorrow for our wedding."

"It's beautiful, Abe. You didn't need to spend that much on me." I spent a few silent seconds studying it,"It looks like the necklace off of titanic-a movie in my time based on true events."

"It did not cost me a thing. It was my great grandmothers. Each generation of Warlest's brides wear it. Will you?" He asked almost concerned that I won't.

"Um yeah, sure." I reached the second box,"Now what's in this one?" I popped the box to see a little ring with a large rock.

"I remembered you said that engagement rings were always encrusted with diamonds in your time, so I got you a diamond ring. I do hope the diamond is large enough; it was the biggest one they had." He held up my hand, sliding the ring onto my finger. I held my breath slightly (which is a big deal because I barely have any breath with corsets) because I could just see my big fingers not fitting into such a delicate little ring. Luckily that awkward moment did not come because it slid on. I could tell from the snugness of it that it would take a bit of oil or butter to get off later. I examined my finger; I had worn rings before but never an engagement ring. It looked weird on my finger like my hand wasn't good enough for such a classy object.

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