1. getting kicked out

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Avery's pov

'BITCH WAKE UP' I heard my mom shout

Fuck sakes

'SHUT UP BITCH' i spat

I got up and went into my bathroom taking a quick shower and i dried my hair and i went into my closet

That's right into

Yes my mom is rich but she's also a bitch. Ha that rhymed

Let me introduce myself. I'm avery quinton I'm 17 years old almost 18 and i live in london but i have no accent but who cares, my dad is dead and ever since then my mother drank and became either abusive or a workaholic so she never fed me

I'm a pretty chill girl but if you piss me off I will bang you out

So that's when I started my gang and i became a killer machine. I killed people and didn't even think about them and to be honest I kill people because they deserve it and hell to the no I don't kill people with out a reason. I never kill innocents

I'm a street fighter and racer named white killer and I've told NO ONE, well I did once, I told my friend Cathy but the next day that bitch was out the country amd running for the hills so i dont trust anyone except my gang

And speaking of my gang

They also go to school with me so right now I'm changing into some black jeans a shirt and some trainers and a bomber jacket

I left my hair in my natural waves and grabbed my bag and my car keys and then my phone vibrated

Bold. Zoe (her friend)
Normal. Me

Zoe- girl I think they found out you vandalised the school

Me- i dont really care what is my mom gonna do send me to boarding school lol

Zoe- ikr anyway come on

Me- chill I'm coming

That's right i might have wrote this school sucks on the side of the school and now I might be in trouble but oh well I've done worse

Once me and my gang caused havoc on the London Bridge aka we tried to bungee jump and got arrested

I walked downstairs and saw that bitch i call mom

'Avery get your ass here' she said and i walked up to her

'What do you want' i spat

'Here's my fiance logan' she said

'Hol up hol up FINACE' I yelled

'Yep' she said

'Logan you might want run this bitch might have STDs with the amount shes slept' i said and i grabbed an apple and walked outside and thought

Bike or car

Since it was raining i went for my lamborghini aventador  ⬇⬇

I opened the butter fly doors and sat inside and ate my apple and sped down the motorway and drifting into the school gates and parking and jumping to my friends

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I opened the butter fly doors and sat inside and ate my apple and sped down the motorway and drifting into the school gates and parking and jumping to my friends

'Always know how to make an entrance ave' ace my main shooter said

'Hey we have to say something' liam said and i looked at him

'Whats going o-' i was cut off by the head


'Guess I'm expelled tell me after and i have somthing to say too' i said and walked to her office

'Ok im gonna get straight to the point in the past 3 months you have been suspended 14 times for hacking into the schools system, hacking into the schools basket ball leader board and put a revealing image of miss jensen' he said

'I think I did everyone a favour with the picture' i said

'And i heard you hack the schools vending machines to give out free gum to students' the head said and i pulled out some gum

'Are you trying to get expelled' he said

'And deny you the pleasure of my company' i said

'You have until with period to get your things and leave you are now permanently expelled i called your mom already' he said

'Gary (the head) i dont know how to thank you' i said and i made my way outside

'What did you get' blake asked

'I'm now permanently expelled from school they called my mom' i said

'Your mom's gonna go ape shit on you' jacob said

'So what were you gonna tell me' i asked liam

'Well we have to move to california you coming or is your mom gonna let you' liam said

'Who cared about what the bitch says anyway yes I'm going when we leaving' i asked.

'About 2 weeks' he said and i nodded

'What were you gonna say' jacob asked

'Oh my mom is now engaged to some guy named logan' i said and they laughed

'You guys get to lesson ima get home' i said

'Good luck' they all shouted

So in my gang there is
And grace

The rest are back up

I got in my car and drove back home and opened my door


'I'm right in front of you shut up' i said

'We are moving to california in 2 days because 1. Your expelled and 2. Logan lives there' she said

'What ever I'm going to bed' i said

So now I'm moving


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