32. busting him out

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'Max' i whispered and walked to me and hugged me

'Oh how badly I missed you' he said and took me to an empty table

'It looks like you haven't slept' max said

'It's cause I haven't i told you to leave why the hell didnt you i told you I'll be ok' i said

'You've got bags under your eyes' he said and i looked around and then pulled out the phone

'Whats this' he said

'A satellite phone you can call and text without WiFi I got one and you can text the whole gang' i said and he smirked

'I got 2 phones one for the plug and one for the load' he said

'I got two phones, one for the bitches and one for the dough' i said and he laughed and hugged me

'We are getting outta here fast since you going Texas in 2 weeks' i said

'Oh yeah' he said

'Hey i think there's a way' he said

'Whats that' i asked

'Ok everyday they let all the prisoners out to the back and there's like a huge garden and there's a wall in the wall end and it's able to jump over i just need cameron to disable the shock wire' he said

'Simple we can bust you out by tomorrow heck even tonight' i said

'Tonight not tomorrow' he said

'Well I need to text the gang where are the toilets' i asked and he pointed to it

'Yo u go as well so you can text' i said and we walked into the bathroom and i turned on the phone

Guys- me

Did you find max- zoe

Hell yeah she did- max

Max missed you man- blade

Ok i think we found a way to get out tonight- me

Whats that- liam.

Basically max told me that they let the prisoners out in the back and there's a wall and you can jump over it but there's shock wire- me

And i need cameron to disable it- max

Easy but it will only disable for 10 minutes- cam

All we have to do is pick the locks and jump the gate can you do it by 10pm- max

Hell yeah- cam

Now we need the gang to get some cars by that all so when we jump we can get in the car and get away from there- me

On it boss- blake

The whole gang will bring 3 black SUVs by tonight- ace

Thanks now I need to go a guards banging on my door- max

So do I before this bastard breaks the door- me

I turned my phone off and flushed the toilet

'INMATE OPEN THE DOOR' the guard yelled and i opened it and he fell in

I washed my hands and walked out only to be picked up by max and he took me to a table

'This bastard thinks girls are weak' max said

'Oh really now' i said and that guy pulled out his hand for an arm wrestle

'I'll go easy' he said

'Go hard as you can bitch' i said locking my hand with his and he started to push down and i pulled his hand up and we got to where we were

'Your fucking weak' i said and pushed his hand down and all the boys cheered and somone put a beer in front of me and it was max

I opened it and started chugging it down

I finished and and the boys just watched me

'Ho- what did that not burn' he said

'Give me shots of tequila and i still won't be drunk' i said and max smiled remembering the day of the party

Max then picked me up and pulled me to a Hall way

'My cells down there where's yours'  he said and is pointed to the one he was standing in front of

'Ok the gardens there we will meet here' he said and i nodded

'Here's a Bobby pins so you can pick the lock' i said and he took it

Half the day was spent by talking about the gang and before we knew it, it was time to go back to our cells

I nodded to max and he nodded back and the guard locked me in and walked away and I turned on my phone and saw the time was almost 10

Yo you guys there yet- me

We are here camerons hacking- liam

DONEE- cam

I'm picking the lock- max

Same we will be out in a few- me

I got my Bobby pin and started jiggling it in my locker and seconds later i was out and saw max was still struggling

i sighed and ran to him and he got out and we literally ran like flipping tigers to the back of the wall

'Give me a boost' i said and max put his hand out and i stepped on it and and he pulled me up and i sat on the wall

Max pulled up his hand and i grabbed it and he sat on the wall and we got down and i saw the cars and then the door opened and we ran inside and i took off my over all

Freedom at last......

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