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Farren looked up at the sound of the front door closing, and watched as Kaden made his way over to the car.

He opened his own door slightly. "You can leave your luggage in the back seat."

Kaden nodded as he did so, before making his way around the other side of the car and slipping in.

"What's with the booster seat in the back?" Kaden asked, sitting into the passenger seat of the car.

Farren looked up at him, slightly surprised that Kaden had been the one to initiate the conversation. "Little sister." He replied, "I sometimes take her to her dance lessons."

Kaden just nodded in reply, indicating he was actually listening to what he said. Then the boys fell into an awkward silence as Farren pulled the car out of the drive way and towards the nearest McDonalds.

He could practically hear the French fries calling his name, as he licked his lips hungrily. It's not like he hadn't eaten already today, it's just the nature of being a growing teenage boy, he supposed.

Deciding that now would be a good time to break the ice, he pondered for a moment of something to say to Kaden.

"So.." he eventually began. "Your an only child right?"

What sort of lame ass question was that? He really wished he had more conversational skills, he thought to himself as he pulled the car into McDonalds.

"Yup." Kaden replied, popping his 'P'. And just when Farren thought he was just going to leave it at that and bring them back to yet another uncomfortable silence, Kaden surprised him by speaking up again. "What about you? Anyone else apart from the little sister?" He asked, as the boys made their way out of the car and into McDonalds, the smell of salty food filling the air.

This was heaven.

"Nope, just me and Rowan. That's her name by the way." He replied as they queued up to order their food. Thankfully it wasn't very busy, it being a Monday afternoon and all, and they got served quickly.

"What age is she?" Kaden asked, as the two slid into a booth, facing each other. Wow, this boy was just full of surprises. Either Kaden was actually interested in his life, or he was a particularly good actor. He hoped it was the former.

"Seven. I think." He replied honestly. It was seven, surely. Or was it eight? He racked his brain to Rowan's birthday party last month. The cards all had a big seven on the front didn't they?

Oh God he was a shit brother.

"You think?" Kaden asked, and when Farren looked up he could see a mocking smirk gracing Kaden's features.

"No I know she's seven. At least I'm pretty sure she is." He replied, trying and failing to hold in a guilty smile. "I'm tired okay, I can't think properly like this."

Kaden's eyes scanned his face, most likely taking in the ever present bags under his eyes. "You do look tired." He agreed, "up late worrying about the meeting?"

Farren just shrugged his shoulders in response. "Something like that."

"Well, you look like shit anyway."

"Thanks Rivers, that's exactly what I needed to hear." He responded with dry sarcasm, flashing Kaden an unamused glare.

"Hey, I'm just being honest with you."

"Thank you for being so considerate." He rolled his eyes, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Are you always this sarcastic?"

"Are you always this blunt?"

"You didn't answer my question." Kaden shot back.

"You didn't answer mine," he challenged in return.

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