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Four nights later and Farren was starting to really stress. He scowled to himself as he lay awake in the middle of the night.. the championship game was tomorrow and if he didn't get some sleep now his performance would undoubtedly suffer.

He turned over onto his right hand side, throwing the blankets off himself in a frustrated and futile attempt to get to sleep. Perks of being an insomniac.

He ignored the part of his brain that told him it was guilt from the fight that kept him awake, insisting to himself it was just because he had grown accustomed to sharing a bed with Kaden.

Even thinking about the fight made him mad. Why couldn't Kaden give him more time? And accusing him of not actually liking him, as if Farren had not gone against everything he thought he knew about his sexuality to be with Kaden.

Letting out a disgruntled sigh, he flipped over onto his back, sprawling his arms and legs out.

Fuck Kaden Rivers anyway. Farren didn't need him. He could move on, get a hot girl. But certainly not a hot boy, he wasn't prepared to deal with that drama again.

Okay that was a complete lie. He couldn't just move on from Kaden, not when he was in love with the bastard.

Yes, in love. There was no point in denying it anymore.

Then again, if he did love Kaden surely he would be able to handle other people's meaningless opinions by being with him in public.

Farren let out another sigh, running his hands though his hair in frustration. He was infuriated, not just with Kaden but with himself. Why couldn't he just grow a pair? why couldn't he man up and just come out? His insecurity was frustrating, because he knew it was unnecessary. Their town wasn't a homophobic one. Nobody gave Kaden any shit for being gay, so he was reasonably confident he wouldn't get slagged either. Besides, Kaden would batter anybody who shunned Farren, he was sure of that.

He sat up, staring at his worn out expression in the mirror opposite him. He rubbed a hand down his face, closing his eyes momentarily. When he opened them again, he looked at himself with newfound determination.

Did he love Kaden? He was almost sure the answer was yes.

Was he willing to make himself vulnerable if it meant staying with Kaden?

He thought about his and Kaden's relationship. Of nights spent casting discreet looks at each other when the other wasn't looking. The times their arms would brush and Farren would fight furiously to keep his blush back. Of the first time they kissed, and the second, and every time after that. He thought of the nights spent together, cuddled together under the blankets having whispered conversations.

And suddenly the answer became so blaringly obvious that Farren almost kicked himself for how stupid he had been. He loved Kaden, and if that meant going public, he would do it.

He lay back down with a content smile on his face, butterflies flying around his stomach. The big game was tomorrow, but all of a sudden that wasn't the most important thing on Farren's mind. Tomorrow would be a victory because tomorrow, whether they won or lost, he would tell Kaden he loved him.

Game on.


Kaden scowled as he stalked into the school. Today of all days his mind should be on nothing but the State Championship game tonight, but alas no such luck. All he could think about was stupid Farren Milton.

Trust Farren to make his life difficult without even being in his presence.

The sound of Luke's locker slamming next to him shot him out of his thoughts.

"Kaden man, seriously? You need to stop thinking about him." Luke reprimanded him, concern and frustration evident on his face.

"I wasn't-" Kaden began but Luke cut him off, clearly sensing the bullshit.

"I don't care Kaden. I care that you look exhausted and that first round of frickin' championship is on today. Championship, Kaden! As in the most important moment of your high school career?"

Kaden gave Luke a strange look for his intense enthusiasm. "Surely graduation is the most important moment of my high school career?"

"Shut it Rivers, I'm not in the mood for your bitching." Luke replied with a dismissive wave.

Kaden didn't reply, instead turning back to his own locker.

"Look Kaden, I know you're worried about Farren and tonight." Luke started, and Kaden opened his mouth to deny it. "Don't bother to deny it Kade, all it takes is one look at your fingernails to know."

Kaden looked down at his hands, and sure enough his fingernails were bitten to a stub. Not an attractive look for a pianist.

"But worst case scenario is that Farren doesn't have the balls to come out. And that's his issue, not yours. This isn't your fault Kaden. If Milton can't grow a pair and just man up, you're better off without him." Luke said softly, placing a comforting hand on Kaden's shoulder.

"Then why doesn't it feel like that?" Kaden croaked out softly, his voice cracking at the end.

"Because you love him." Was all Luke said before pulling Kaden in for a hug.

Kaden leaned his head into Luke's shoulder, biting back the tears that threatened to spill over.

"Thank you." He whispered, just loud enough for Luke to hear.

"What are friends for? Besides, if things don't work out between you and Farren I can always swoop in and have a go off him myself." Luke joked as he pulled back, sending Kaden a wink.

"Funny, he said something similar about you the other day." Kaden laughed, pushing Luke lightly on the arm. "Maybe you two really are perfect for each other. I'll chance my arm with Jonah if you want Farren?" Kaden suggested jokingly, referring to Luke's older brother.

"Ew dude." Luke said, scrunching up his nose in distaste. "Besides, Jonah's straight."

"So was Farren." Kaden said with a smirk, closing his locker and walking away leaving Luke laughing behind him.

The game was in seven hours and it was all he would allow himself to think about until then. Worrying about whether or not Farren would come through wouldn't influence the outcome.

But even if he wouldn't win Farren for sure, he would win that goddamn game.


Okayyy.. shortest chapter EVER!! I hate it but we're coming to the end so I'm starting to run out of energy. Plus it's been like 9 days, the longest I've gone without an update, there's just been a lot going on

Also, second last chapter!! (There'll also be an epilogue dw !)

Hope y'all enjoyed, THANK YOU FOR 5k!!!!

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