32. The Battle

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Chapter 32

"Oh Kira, something came for you yesterday. It's in the backyard" Sam informed me from the kitchen.

"Uh ok...thank you" I said confused and walked to the back door. I heard Paul following, but continued out to the backyard. I quietly squealed while my eyes widened.

"What is it?" Paul asked walking out of the back door and standing beside me.

"OH MY GOD!" I walked up to the motorbike that stood in front of Sam's shed.

"Who the hell sent you a KTM?" Paul asked. I noticed on the handlebars a note hung from string. I picked the note up and read it;

Happy Birthday.
Happy Racing.
Ride or Die right?

"Will got you a KTM?" Paul asked,
crossing his arms over his chest. I got on the bike first checking to make sure it was in neutral. Once I knew it was I pulled out the kickstand and attempted to start it. It didn't start. I sighed when I realised what was wrong. I always forget to turn the petrol on. Leaning forward I twisted the cap clock-wise to turn the petrol on. I then checked to make sure there was fuel in it, which there was.

"Can you start it?" Paul asked walking beside me. I looked up at him and raised a brow. Is he kidding?

"I'm insulted" I told him playfully throwing him a wink, checking to make sure the kickstand was still in place.

"Holy crap! What the hell is a KTM doing in La Push?" Jared's voice boomed.

"What's a KTM?" Kim asked chuckling and making me gasp.

"It's only the love of my life," I said in fake, dramatic way. "Of course after the idiot next to me".

"Hey!" Paul exclaimed making me laugh.

"Alright" I muttered. I stood up and kicked the kickstand resulting in the bike roaring to life. I smiled brightly revving it up a bit.

"I'll be back" I called taking the stand off and turning the kickstand back into the side of the engine.

"Hey, I wanna come" Paul complained.

"Hold on" I smiled as he got on the back. I chuckled when I felt the suspension drop from his weight. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey, you should be wearing a helmet" he told me over the sound of the loud engine.

"I know" I smiled holding the clutch down and putting it in first gear. I released the clutch immediately took off.


We rode up the driveway and when we came to a halt I held the clutch in and pulled the brake lever in. Paul got off and stumbled slightly. I chuckled switching off the bike and petrol. I put it in neutral and pushed it in Sam's shed.

"It's your birthday?" Paul asked with a frown, standing by the door of the shed.

"Thursday" I clarified, realising the date myself.

"Oh...you never actually told me your birthday" he admitted, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Yeah...I don't make a fuss out of it" I said walking out of the shed and towards the house. To be honest I don't really enjoy my birthday anymore. When my dad was still alive in the morning we'd wake up at six o'clock in the morning and go to my cousins farm that is huge. It contained small mountains and lots of land to cover. We would ride until late midday then I'd have family and friends over for either dinner or cake and coffee. I loved it until my dad passed.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant