44. The Anxious Wave

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Chapter 44

Paul's POV

Once Will and I returned from the cabin in La Trobe Valley we called everyone back home to recollect and fuel up on food, but I wasn't hungry. I raced past everyone and went directly to Kira's room and snatched her phone off the bedside table. On any other occasion, I would have snooped just to annoy her, but this time felt wrong when she wasn't close by, so instead I went straight to contacts to find Ryder's number. I initially thought his name would be under 'R', but he wasn't there. I frowned and scrolled up to the search bar and typed his first name and pressed search. My eyes rolled upon seeing his contact name come up as 'Sexy Witch Ryder' and instantly knew it was his stupid doing. I pressed down on the contact and put the phone to my ear.

"What's up, princess?" Ryder's gruff voice asked from the other end. My eyes rolled again.

"Ryder, it's Paul. Do you know where Kira is?" He paused.

"Why do you want to know, Paul?" He asked, aggravating me. I balled my fist tightly, as I paced the room with anxiousness.

"Ryder, do you know where she is?" I asked again, slowly and angrily.

"Yeah, I do" He answered, making me exhale loudly. I felt a wave of relief flood me. At least he knew and he could protect her while I couldn't.

"Where is she?" I asked, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders.

"She's fine." I growled.

"Where is she!" I yelled, feeling my body shake in anger. And this time she wasn't here to help calm me down or make me feel better. I've missed her so much and even though it has only been less then twenty four hours, I can feel the strain. The imprint bond enhanced her absence from me and winded up my anger even more. Walking up to her mirror I remembered this time, roughly yesterday when we stood in front of this mirror smiling together and taking pictures. My mind drifts back to that picture with my arms wrapped around her small frame, in comparison to mine, and my head nuzzled in her neck.

The night before, I spent in La Push where I was alone and miserable, but that time was valuable to think and clear my head from what had happened between Kira and Dustin. I needed that time to acknowledge that they had a history that went further back than mine and Kira's and that was something I needed to come to terms with. It was hard to picture Kira kissing another guy when her heart belonged to me, just as mine belonged to her. But after asking Ryder to take me back to Australia in the morning I was reassured where she belonged. With me.

"She's basically right in front of me. She's fine and unharmed" He assured quietly. I heard people talking in the background and frowned.

"Put her on the phone then" I insisted, moving away from the mirror, my eyes landing on the red rose that lay peacefully on her bed side table.

"I can't. Are you sure you've had no contact with her?" He asked. I paused and thought back to the phone call. She sounded desperate.

"Yeah. She called me."

"What did she say?"

"Something like 'get Ryder' and 'Makah'" I recalled, her desperation raw in my mind.

"Alright, I'll be there soon. Keep her phone by your side and don't say anything to the others. This guy wants me to take them somewhere. She'll be fine, trust me," He assured and then paused. "I don't know if you know this, but I am the best tracker she knows." The line went silent and I frowned calling a 'Hello' into the speaker before realising he hung up. I growled at his comment and set the phone down on the edge of the bed. Exhaustion suddenly hit me and I laid back, my eyes drooping closed.

Bumps In The Road / Paul Lahote Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя