Chapter 3

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Cassie's pov

We have dinner and then sit around talking for a little bit before Cassandra says it's time for bed. Being the head of the house everyone listens. After heading to my room changing into my pajamas, a black cami and some teal and black shorts, I lay down. It's been about 2 hours of restless rolling around when I decide to get up and get some water. It's only 1 in the morning so why not.

Making my way quietly down the stairs and to the kitchen, I retrieve a glass and, as quietly as possible, get me a cup of water. After I finish my water, I rinse the glass and set it upside down on the drying rack before I hear a slight noise that I recognize as footsteps. Obliviously, they are the footsteps of someone trying to be quiet, and they're doing pretty good, but I'm better. I quietly turn around and walk towards the edge of the kitchen in time to see a figure round the corner to the living room. A moment later I hear the distinct sound of a body plopping down onto a leather couch.

I hear the body move around a little bit, judging by the sound of skin on a leather couch and after a minute it finally settles down. Obviously, the body is not an intruder, else they would have woken the whole house. I smell something familiar, but can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it's rain on a hot day? Though not quite. Deciding I'll ignore it for now and investigate later, I go to head back up stairs, when a freaking floorboard squeaks. This catches the attention of the body and it sits up, if the sounds are anything to go by.

Knowing I've been caught, I don't bother to escape and just turn around. Running would wake up the whole household, and that's something I would like to avoid.

"Who's there?" The voice asks in a whisper. I can now identify that it's definitely a he and he's very tired. I don't try to answer and instead make my way to him.

He meets me halfway and it takes me only a moment to realize this man is my mate. And I'll be honest, I could do worse. His breath catches in his throat and he looks over me as I do he same to him.

Oh yeah, I could DEFINITELY do worse. He's about 6'4" with short blond hair and he is very well defined. Now here's the kicker. He has heterochromatic eyes. One of them is emerald green and the other is oceanic blue. They are absolutely gorgeous and I could look into them for hours. His lips are plump and I'm quite certain that his jaw could paper, that's how sharp it was. Looking over his face again, I notice that he still hasn't let out the breath he was holding and he seems to be biting his tongue.

"You okay there?" I ask as quietly as I can, not wanting to wake the whole house.

"Just trying not to be cliché." He says taking a deep breath.

"So, can we talk? Like go sit down and maybe get to know each other?" I ask and see him visibly relax as if he was worried he'd be rejected.

"Yeah, that's be wonderful. How about the living room?" He suggest and sounds kinda nervous. We walk to the living room and sit down facing each other on the same couch. Both of us are sitting cross legged on opposite sides of the couch.

"I guess we should introduce ourselves. Hi, I'm Cassie Mora. I'm 17 and visiting with my mother from a different pack. We're visiting to see some long lost family." I say simply.

"I'm Axe Dragoste. I'm 18 and the Alpha of the pack you are staying with. It's an honor to meet you. Your alpha speaks highly of you." He says taking my hand that I had outstretched and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. His eyes haven't left mine since we sat back down. "Sorry about all the staring. I can't help but feel this is a dream. That's the only place I've been able to see your eyes and I can't help but be mesmerized."

"I know how you feel. But I do need to talk to you about something." I say.

"Ok." He says hesitantly.

"I'm not rejecting you, so get that thought out of your head." I say and he responds with a deep breath of relief. "I am, however, warming you that now may not be the best time to accept you. I've got a lot going on at the moment and when I do accept you I want to be able to give you my full attention. I grew up being taught that your mate is the most important thing and I want to be able to act on my teachings. I would never reject you and I would love to get to know you, but I would also like to keep our being mates secret for the time being."

"So let me make sure I got this right. You're reasons for coming here are too complicated for you to except me as your mate for the moment, but you will, publicly, once everything is solved." He says and stops for me to confirm, which I do, before continuing. "And you don't want to tell people because...?"

"I don't want them to think I'm rejecting you and, for the moment, none of them need to know my mothers business here. As far as your pack knows, we're visiting family and staying here because our alpha requested it." I say simply. My mother will explain more if she wants people to know.

"Can I know how much deeper it goes?" He asks. He's earned that right as my mate, the alpha lending us his home, and for being so excepting of our circumstances.

"I was the product of a one night stand between two mates. My father, the very next morning, rejected my mother. The reason we're staying here is because my father... is the alpha of the pack. We don't know how he'll react because my mom was scheduled to move shortly after the event anyways, so she just got permission from the previous alpha to move. She was studying medicine in our current pack when she found out. Her mother had always hated her and when she found out she had been rejected, her mother kicked her out of the house. Her mother and father recently got divorced, so we're coming to visit."

"Does anyone in her old pack know you exist?" He asks with a look of shock on his face.

"Nope. Mom didn't even know she was pregnant till she got out to Oregon and she didn't call anyone because she didn't really have any friends out here." I say with a shrug.

We sit around and talk for another couple of hours before becoming too tired to continue. We agree to meet here again tomorrow and get to know each other. I get up to head to my room, but stop and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning and sauntering upstairs. I seriously hope this wasn't just a dream.

Hello! Thank you for reading! Please let me know if you see anything thing that needs correcting and you should totally check out topy0848 . She's got an amazing book based off the Academy Ghost bird Series and is just an amazing human in general so go check her out and...


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