Chapter 19

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Cassie's POV

I'm so glad that everything is finally working out. I can't wait to see my mom happy with her mate, though, I'm not sure if I'll be able to call him dad just yet. Honestly, it's been weird living somewhere other than Oregon and it doesn't quite feel like home yet. Despite the fact that my mate is here, I've spent my whole life in a different environment and it's going to be a while before I grow used to the new place. It's quite beautiful, and thanks to my wolf genes, not too warm, but I haven't seen enough of the surrounding area yet. I heard there's lots of deer, so that will be good for hunting, but other than that, I made the mistake of not doing enough research about the environment. 

Mom and Cole are currently out on a secret date, not wanting to reveal to the packs yet about their mating, but I'm training some of the teenage pack members at Axe's pack. They learned to behave around me and they're taking their training very seriously, so I'm quite proud. I haven't seen any bullying, which is something I have made very clear that I will not tolerate. I saw someone almost start to bully, but I raised a brow and that was the end of that. Training is just about over, and I'm ready to hear about my mom's date. 

I release the teens for the day and they all go to the shower, a few staying to help me clean up the training field. When we finally get done, I go to take a shower and then to do my paperwork for today, which is probably the worst part of the job. I'm mostly used to it because I had to do the paperwork back home, but that doesn't make it easier. I'm so ready for food and a nap, but I know I have to stay up. I've taken too many naps lately and I need to stop before I ruin my sleep schedule. 

I sit down in my room and pull out the paperwork I need to do for the training and get to work on it. I'm not working for very long when my mom walks in and jumps onto my bed. She's very smiley and it's kinda weird for me because she was never smiled this much when I was growing up. 

"Hey, mom? That good?" I ask her while smiling down at her.  

"Yes. I'm really happy. We started to plan out Mate Ceremony and he's gonna introduce me to the pack as their Female Alpha in two days. We don't want to have to wait too long, so the ceremony will be in three days and then the Alpha Female ceremony two days after that." 

"So when is the human wedding?" I ask adjusting my reading classes. 

"We haven't discussed it yet. We got most of the details for the other three things done today, but that's something that we'll have to discuss tomorrow."

"Sounds good. I have a meeting with Axe tomorrow and you should probably call Liam and Lilly and have them prepare our stuff. I don't think that we will be able to go out there to get it. You know how much mates hate being away from each other. I highly doubt he can get away from Alpha duties for long enough to go with us to pack up."

"He may be able to because we get a honeymoon. I think he'd like to see Oregon, but again, we'll have to discuss that tomorrow." 

"Sounds good. I just finished the last of the paperwork, would you like to go hang out in the living room with the ladies?" 

" Yeah, that sounds good. I'm going to go change first, I smell like fish." 

"I'll see you down there. I have to drop this off with Axe first so I'll see you down there." 

I gather the paperwork together and walk down to his office, not bothering to change from my spanx and tank top. They're both pretty modest so I wasn't worried. I knocked on his office door and it only takes a minute to answer.

I walk in and he's sitting at his desk with his own reading glasses on and he barely looks up at me before looking back down. He then does a double-take when he sees that its me.

"Hey, babe, how are you doing?" He asks and drops everything that he's doing.

"Good. I just came to drop off the paperwork for the day. And tell you that we can reveal the fact that we are mates."

"Really?" He asks with an overwhelming amount of hope in his eyes.

"Yep. My mom and dad are going to announce that she is the Alpha Female in two days, in three days they'll have their mate ceremony, and then the Alpha ceremony is a few days after that. I don't want the attention to be off my mom during her big time, but I don't want to wait, so with your permission, I would like to tell my mother tonight. Her reaction will give me a better idea of planning."

"I'd say that's more than fair. I just want you to be happy."

"I just want you. I don't want to wait anymore. It's killing me not being able to be with you. And I hate keeping secrets." I say and he pulls me into his arms.

"I get you forever. I can wait a little while longer if it means that your mom is happy. She's a big part of your life and I don't want you to think that you have to hide to hide or make our relationship public just because of me. I'll always be ready for you."

"I love you for that. If you want to tell your family and team tomorrow, we can. I'll tell my mom early in the morning and we can gather them at lunch. I really don't mind."

"I would absolutely love that idea. But not as much as I love you." he says and places the smallest kiss on the tip of my nose. I place one on his and unwrap myself from him so that I can go downstairs and see my mother. I am truly lucky to have gotten this man as my life partner.


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