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Didn't even realize I had this until I went through clearing my laptop of Word documents.

And for those who have read Shinri-Chan's "Three in a Family", I would just like to let you know that I was the one who wrote this chapter originally, I'm just using it for my story.


At the bridge in Wave Country, a thick, unnatural fog was over-shadowing the gruesome battle. Sharp clangs sounded through the air, and in the middle of the bridge, stood two young boys and a large masked man, who had a giant sword slung casually on his shoulder. He was smirking at the five-year-old boys' defiant glares.

"Playing hero, eh?" Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Mist, taunted them.

Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki said nothing. They were telepathically strategizing how best to take the swordsman down. They had only just realized their power of telepathy, thanks to a certain fox.

And since Moo-moo Man has a giant ego and can't handle being ignored, he grew angry and threw his sword directly at the thing that just happened to be in its way.

And that thing was Sasuke.

As Naruto's hearing was sharpened, being the "fox" he is, his sensitive ears picked up the slight whooshing of sound that indicated the sword rushing through the air.

Sasuke, being a "wolf", had only his eye-sight sharpened, but his eyes were closed so he could concentrate better on strategy.

Without thinking, acting on pure instinct alone, Naruto pushed Sasuke away and accidentally sent him over the bridge. Naruto couldn't help but internally chuckle at how funny it was to hear the oh-so-high-and-mighty Uchiha freak out and scream like a little girl just before a triumphant grunt was heard.

Sakura had reached down to grab his hand and stopped Sasuke from getting wet.

What a spoilsport.

Naruto had thought all this in literally one second before he felt a searing pain in his stomach. 'Aw, come ON! ' Naruto whined internally before thumping to the floor. 'What a PATHETIC way to die! It's not worthy of my. . . oh crap I'm dying.'

He winced as very loud footsteps thumped their way over to him, and he nearly gave a shriek when he was picked up. No doubt by Sakura. He could literally feel them freaking out. Well then again, this was the second time this happened since they time-travelled.

"Come on Naru! Don't give up on us!" Sakura hissed, and the blonde could feel something soothing on his stomach.

Medical Ninjutsu.

But it was probably too late for him anyway. Unless there was, by some miracle, some great-almighty being inside of him that could heal him extremely quickly to save his life. . . oh wait! Kurama!

Sasuke and Sakura were panicking. This couldn't be happening! Naruto was dying again! Their eyes were frantically looking at his chest, which was heaving up and down in short, labored breaths.

"C'mon Naru, you know Tsunade would kill us if anything happened to you!" Sasuke told him, growing pale at the thought of what Naruto's grandmother would do when they told her

Naruto decided he should take a trip to his sewer-like mind and pay a visit to Kurama, since that fox was obviously not going to be doing anything without talking to him first. Darkness was already clouding his mind, and as the trip commenced, Naruto's chest went down into his last breath.

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