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"Hanzō of the Salamander. Whoop-dee-do," Nagato muttered sarcastically under his breath. Damn his nephew was really rubbing off on him.

Yahiko raised an eyebrow at his redheaded friend but otherwise said nothing. 

Earlier that week, Hanzō had approached them and offered them an alliance. And now, the Rain and Leaf combined together to take them down, with Konan as hostage. Everything was going as the Rain and Leaf had planned, except for the fact that didn't know that the redheaded Uzumaki had a counterattack plan.

Hanzō pointed a kunai at Yahiko as he forced Konan to her knees. "Yahiko, you're the leader. You must die. If you resist, I'll kill her instead," Hanzō threatened, placing a kunai at Konan's neck.

Yahiko growled lowly as Hanzō narrowed his eyes. 

A kunai was thrown to the ground.

"You, redhead," Hanzō called. "Use it to kill Yahiko. If you do, I'll spare you and the girl."

"Don't Nagato!" Konan yelled. "Forget about me, just get away both of you!"

Nagato, with his outward appearance of indecision and fear, was internally rolling his eyes and wishing for a bowl of popcorn. Honestly, his friends were acting as if they didn't know the outcome. Hadn't Naruto already told them? Or was it just that their memory was terrible?

"Nagato," Yahiko spoke lowly as he turned to the redhead. "Just kill me."

Nagato's eyebrow twitched. 'I think I am already on the verge of killing you, because it seems like you are trying to make me laugh.'

"Nagato!" Yahiko shouted.

"Don't do it!" Konan screamed.

'Ah, the contradiction,' Nagato thought happily. 'What if they did become a couple? Ooh, now I'm actually shipping them! '

"Hurry up," Hanzō ordered. "Do you want this woman to die?"

'Alright alright, keep your pants on. Geez, talk about impatience,' Nagato thought as he rolled his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time that day, picking up the kunai. 

Twirling it on his finger, he unconsciously placed it to his lips as his train of thought continued. 'Now if they had a kid, what would his or her personality be like? Probably bipolar and pretty indecisive. But then, there's Konan and Itachi -'

"NAGATO!" Yahiko shouted again, bringing him back to reality.

The redhead winced as he accidentally sliced his lip in his rough jolt back to reality. 'Thanks a bunch Yahiko,' he thought crossly as he wiped some blood away.

"Nagato no!" Konan screamed again.

Nagato groaned. "So one says yes, one says no, and what about me? I don't know!" he complained, making nearly everyone sweatdrop at both his childish response and the fact that his complaint rhymed and was said somewhat like a rap.

Including the four hidden around the clearing.

At the corner of his eye, Nagato could see Yahiko prepare himself to run at him.

"Okay, I've made my decision," Nagato said suddenly.

Three pairs of eyes bored into him, making him feel extremely pressured. Mentally shrugging, Nagato slowly moved his arm down.

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastWhere stories live. Discover now