2. Clowns

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It's been three months now since you first met Sherlock and Watson in person.
You still work in the cafe and things were going so well, everything, just everything seemed to work out perfectly.
Sherlock became a close friend of yours and you brought him tea nearly every day and when you didn't, Sherlock came down to look if everything was fine with you.
You smiled as you thought about this and poured the tea into one of the new tea glasses which you bought with your boss last week.
You hear the typical ringing of a bell when a customer enters the cafe and look up to greet them with a smile.
But your lips frowned midway.
In the door were standing two men, with clown masks on, terrific grinning and with a diamond-shaped colour around the left hole for the eyes.
One of them was holding a gun in his hand, directly pointed at you. Fear crawled under your skin and you dropped the tea glass.
This one second seemed so long to you.
The glass slipped your hand...
The man with the green diamond shape on his mask was deadly looking at you and the one behind him was about to lock up the door.
The glass fell...
The few customers in the cafe were motionless and everything was silent.
Then the glass hit the ground and crashed loudly.
Two women screamed in panic and the green masked man turned his look and his gun to the two ladies and shouted:
"Don't move! Don't scream! Don't speak!  You all will be silent or you are dead!"
Everything was silent again.
But you could feel that it was a forced silent.
Everybody's muscles were tense, concentrating on not moving a single bit but also ready to defend themselves the next second.
The boss wasn't here today so nobody came out of the back door or was hiding there to contact the police.
It was at this moment when you realized that you were helpless.

But there was one thing you could do:
Hiding the key from the register.
The man who locked the door finally turned around and you could see another terrific clown mask, yet this one had a blue Diamond around the eye.
But his chubby face was oozing out of the mask and you could see his dark skin.
He started walking towards you and you felt your time running out.
You stumbled back against the wall and faked fainting.
Sliding down the wall and falling to the ground you hear the steps closing up faster.
Swiftly you get the key out of your apron pocket and let it slide into your sock.
Right in time.
The chubby man walked around the counter and grabbed the register, abrasive trying to open it.
"It won't open!", he yelled and punched the metallic box.
"Get the key, you idiot! ", the other one replied, still pointing the gun at the customers.
The chubby man looked around and smashed plates and glasses as he threw them from the counter.
You slowly eased your way back, but he already turned his face toward you.
You stopped in your motion and held your breath.
The man walked toward you, making quiet cracking sounds from the broken glass he was walking over until he stood right before you, grabbing you by your collar and pulling you back on your feet.
"Where is the key? "
With a shake of your head, you tried to make him understand that you didn't have it.
But of course, he didn't understand.
Angry he pushed you back to the ground and landed a kick in your stomach.
You couldn't breathe for a moment and the pain was overwhelming.
Tears rolled down your cheeks.
"Where is the key?!", he yelled at you but you couldn't move.
You couldn't see clearly through your tears and every breath was hurting.
Eagerly he knelt down in front of you and grabbed you by your ponytail.
His hands slipped into all your pockets in order to find the key, but it stayed gone.
"The. Key.", he said again, angrily and grabbed your tiny face rude with his gloved hand.
You whimpered and with shaking, hands tried to fish your notebook out of your apron.
He was about to beat it out of your hand but the one with the green mask, who was now standing behind you stopped him:" Let her write."
"The boss has it but he's not here right now", you wrote in shaky handwriting and immediately earned a punch in your face.
You fell back on the ground and cried noiselessly.
You were just about to give them the key as you hear a police siren in the distance.
The two-man looked at each other and the one with the gun rushed to the customers,  making them go into the backroom.
"Everyone in the other room! Give me your mobiles and move!", he yelled and watched everyone laying their phones on the tables.
The costumers hurried to get in the backroom and you could see that one of the ladies was crying.
Your eyes met and you could see in her eyes that she could feel your pain.
The man with the gun locked the door behind them.
The sound of the sirens got louder and the men started to panic.
They cuffed you to the heater right under the window and shoved a towel in your mouth, nearly making you gag.
Hurriedly they grabbed the register and climbed out of the window above you.
The chubby one wasn't able to climb the window and used your shoulder as a stair to get out of the cafe.
You could hear it cracking as his full weight pushed down on your shoulder and the pain made you numb.
The sirens were so loud now as if they were right before the cafe.
But they died down a few seconds later.
The police car wasn't about to get to you. It just passed the cafe.

I'm trying to be fast with the next chapter, I promise!

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