I'm Back Home

32 2 7

"Percy!!" I squealed as I ran across the mess hall

"Isla!!" he yells back

And then we did something like a shampoo commercial. You know how the girl is usually wearing this flowy red dress and she's running toward a guy? Imagine that, except imagine the girl wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a shirt. No dresses. Now imagine the shampoo commercial guy lifting the girl up. Imagine that happening with me. Except, Percy tripped when he grabbed me so we both fell in a pile on the floor laughing our heads off. 

"So?" Percy whispers "what did you find?"

"They don't know a single bloody thing except that a girl with my name, Isla Sanders, used to go to Camp Half Blood." I whispered back

"What are you going to do now?"

"I dunno"

"Why don't you just ask Chaos?"

"I guess" I said reluctantly "anyway, I'm gonna go see Kaelie OK?"

"Yeah. See you later"

I walked down the hallways to Kaelie's room. On the way, I meet the ever charming, Emily Cooper. It has always been hard to explain my relationship with her. We used to be friends until you know..... Parental differences got in the way of it, blah blah blah. Now, we've resorted to beating the crap out of each other while feeeling horrible about it. Make sense? No? Yeah I thought so.

We nod to each other and keep walking, but Emily stopped and grabbed my hand, instantly stopping me. 

"Isla..." she bit her lip "I need your help"

'In what?" I asked suspiciously 

"Look I'm sorry OK? I was really mean and stupid but now I really need your help"

"OK..." I wasn't sure about this, but I sensed that Emily actually meant it and was sick of this parental rivalry crap

Then, Brad walks by, winking at Emily while she hides her lovestruck smile

"I have a date with Brad"

"Woah girl. You know what to wear?"

"I know right! But I have no idea what to wear!"

I snapped my fingers 

"I got'cha covered, but first we need to stop by Kaelie's room"

And just like that, we've forgotten our old.... Rivalry....?

We walked to her room and I barged in

"Kaelie!" I turned beet red. She's naked and moaning in pleasure as some dude... Uh.... Does stuff with her. Lets just put it at that.


Kaelie ran over in all her naked glory and crushed me in a hug. Then her hand cracked across my face

"That was for disappearing on me' she whispered menacingly 

"Won't happen again. I swear. But right now we need to help Emily. Brad asked her out and she needs help"

Kaelie raised her eyebrows, said bye to her boyfriend, pulled on her clothes and followed me to my room. We were all running and laughing like hyperactive, sugar high, drunk six year olds. I pulled Emily into a chair in front of my dressing table. I grabbed a pair of scissors, Kaelie grabbed some hair spray.

"Wait! stop" I yelled "where are you even going Emily?"

"Lunch and then the movies"

"Got it" 

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