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Andrew was so simple that Xenia forgot he had the means to do all he promised. Where Gregory failed to give her answers here, Andrew gave her a concrete plan.

"Andrew, your family, might have something to say about this," Xenia cocked an eyebrow at the thought of meeting the Woo chaebols.

Though Andrew was American, the Woos composed a traditional Korean family. Xenia already imagined the shock of meeting a woman who was not only a foreigner but a single parent without forgetting the fact Xenia's skin was not as fair as snow as the culture demanded. Having studied the Asian culture in general, Xenia knew she was not suitable martial material for their beloved child.

"I'll talk to them, Xenia, I love you, and I want you to come with me. I might seem eager by speeding things, but you were my first love, and I want you to be my last."

Xenia's heartbeat in her chest, she wasn't assured she heard right.

Was it a detour way of proposing to her?

It wasn't Andrew's style, yet all he said could lead one to think he was doing so.

"And if you are wondering where I'm going saying all this to you, come tomorrow at this address. Now, are you free?"


The man tickled Xenia, "you said you'd be mine once you finished on your phone."

"Oh, I'm yours, I'm all yours," Xenia giggled and hugged him before gazing into his eyes. The man's gentle stare swayed her; there was no doubt she loved him.

Xenia remembered how panicked she was the first they slept together. They had studied all afternoon, yet the question and the desire haunted her. They began to date a few weeks before, and they didn't talk about sex. Xenia wasn't even sure the guy desired her, but in one gaze, she found herself toppled on her bed.

Andrew was Xenia's first in every way. There in her bedroom where she laid with her socks on, sweating with panic to have Ann-Catherine burst in on the scene, and excitation Xenia lost her virginity to 21-year-old exchange student Andrew Woo.

The boy left a mark which Xenia couldn't shake off. She loved him nostalgically; he was her past. He now stood in her presence; could Andrew be her future?

There under the influences of his kisses, Xenia thought no more.

Once home, Xenia, restless and unable to sleep, began to read Niki's story. Within a few minutes, the tale absorbed her, but an uncontrollable desire to bust her best friend's face into a wall became persistent.

Xenia only left a vocal message:


The next day Niki wasn't smiling when she saw her friend's face.

Xenia pointed at herself, "Niki, how could you do this to me? This is my life. This is my story."

"Xe, please don't be mad. You inspired me," Niki pleaded.

"Niki, you can't use my life, I'm finally sticking my head out of the water, and you fling this at me. How could you do this? There are things I only told you. You've let my secrets into the world. Oh, Gosh, people must be laughing at my life right now."

"No, Xenia, it's not what you think people like you. I mean, they like Zina. Many people relate to what she's going through. I mean, almost everyone wants Zina to get back with James. They think she was too harsh."

"Niki, are you out of your mind. You are planning my life in your story. Oh, my God, I can't believe this. NIKI, IT'S MY LIFE. I DON'T WANT IT TO BE IN YOUR FUCKING BOOK."

"I'm sorry, Xenia, I'm really sorry."

"Then, take it down, if you are my friend, take it down, NOW."

Xenia was furious as if it was not enough to have Gregory chuckling about her life's mishaps. Now the whole world knew at least all of Niki's thirty thousand followers the dire straits she went through.

"Xenia, I can't; it's featured, there are rules. I can't modify it while it's featured."

Niki was ashamed. Yes, many aspects of Xenia's life were book-worthy material, if not to say big screen large popcorn bucket scenario. Though she had other story drafts, she knew this one story could send her up there. Now in front of her best friend's teary-eyed expression, Niki wondered if the price of glory was not too much. Still, she did not back down.

"Fine, I guess we're through. I had one friend left on earth, and I've lost her. I know I didn't tell you this, but in the last three years, you've been like a sister to me; that's how I considered you, Niki. Andrew asked me to move to New York with him, and you know what I found myself thinking last night. You can't go, Xenia, you can't leave Niki, and then I read your story," Xenia said as her head moved in a snake dance.

Niki suddenly regained some instant fake courage, "Xenia, why? Why do you have to dramatize? It's not even your name. Zina is Portuguese; it's just a character. James isn't English. He's Americain, and no one will ever guess it's about you."

"But I know Niki; I know it's mine, Gregory's, Mark's, Sia's, my mom's life in your book. You can't do this, Niki; it isn't right. Tell me, was it fun to mock me? You must have been laughing when I ran to you for advice. Oh, my sweet little Jesus in a haystack, I've been feeding you material for months like a Guinea pig."

Niki slicked her hair back, "okay, Xenia, I'm sorry, butㅡ."

"I see, forget it, Niki, and forget me. Thank you for proving to me once again that friendship does not exist. I thought no friend could hurt me like Sophia, but I was wrong," Xenia walked away, both women parted in tears. Without a friend or anything else, nothing held Xenia back in Paris. Xenia wished to find a place to crawl and hide from the face of the world, and New York suddenly seemed to be the best hideout.

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