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Five children, Xenia thought as she watched Gregory's sister's last child christening, five.

Xenia remembered how back in their Astoria days, Gregory said his sister had people to help her. Yes, she had an army of nannies, maids, and butlers, but still, five kids were enormous. Sia was a quiet child. Still, it remained hard work raising her. So the number five blew Xenia's mind.

Gregory's eyes sparkled as he carried the little girl. Godfather, for the fifth time, there was no doubt about it; the thorough businessman liked children, no he loved them to death. Gregory bent to almost every child's whims.

There was no controlling him when it came to making a child smile. The best side of his nature came out in the children's presence, and they felt it. Children quickly became attached to the man. Sia was no exception; Gregory had a special place in her heart.

The 39-year-old man was comfortable in his shoes, Gregory had absolutely everything one could desire, and only one thing bothered him when he looked at Xenia. Her lack of engagement in their story.

Xenia fled their relationship's responsibilities, bringing up straw house reasonings that didn't make sense and were blown away in Gregory's ears. He loved her more than before, and he was sure the woman's feelings were scorching. Xenia maintained these walls of hers to protect herself from an imaginary betrayal that played in her mind.

Gregory's nieces and nephews were everything, and the love he had for Sia was immense. A little desire to see his reflection in his children's face clung to him.

The idea became recurrent. Gregory thought about it every day when he was with Sia. He imagined what a terrific big sister she would be and how noisy his mansion could become. Unlike many, Gregory hated the silence that reigned in his household when Xenia and Sia were absent.

Gregory adored hearing Tina Turner's Proud Mary bursting out of the windows when he came home. As the door opened, Sia rushed to the entrance and jumped in his arms. The feeling of having people to go back to was priceless.

Despite all his riches, there was no doubt about it. What Gregory desired with all his heart was to be a father.


"Let's have a baby," Gregory whispered as he wrapped his arms around Xenia's waist before depositing small kisses on her neck.


Xenia unlocked the man's arms around her and took a step backward.

Gregory blinked in surprise and frowned. The reaction was a first in their relationship, "what's wrong?"

"What did you just say?"

Gregory approached and undid Xenia's robe, "let's have a baby; let's make one now."

"Gregory,ㅡem I think the Christening got to you." Xenia stretched her neck away to avoid the kisses.

"Nothing has got to me; it's you who's got to me," Gregory continued to kiss her on the neck.

"Gregory, we can'tㅡ."

The man let go; something wasn't right, "why, Xenia, why? What's wrong with having a child with the person you love?"

"I already have a child, Gregory."

The man slid his head back, shocked by the truth, which rang like a revelation.

"I can't believe you, Xenia. You refuse to live with me. You refuse to marry me. You refuse to have a child with me. Do you love me, Xenia?"

Xenia grabbed the man's hands, "I do, Gregory, I do, but I can't not this. Please don't ask me this."

"Give me a good reason," Gregory pulled away from the woman's grasp, "and it better be good, Xenia, because I swearㅡ."

"Gregory, it's difficult; being pregnant is complicated. For Sia was anxious, and I didn't put on weight. I was alone, and then came the nights, the diapers, it was horrible. I was alone; it wasㅡ, I can't go through that again, please, Gregory," Xenia said as the tears lined up on her eyelids, ready for the drop.

"How many times have I got to tell you, so it drums into your head. I AM NOT MARK. I will not leave you to go through this alone because I'm here, and I'm not going nowhere," Gregory yelled.

"Gregory, there's Sia. She might not want a brother or sister. Sia likes to have me and us all to herself."

Gregory cocked an eyebrow, "have you ever asked Sia?"

Xenia's eyes darted.

"You don't even know what Sia wants. Don't you get it, Xenia? I want a child with you, no one else because I love you. I want to have the living proof of that love. I desire this as much as wanting you as my wife, maybe even more. If you don't want to marry me, let's have a baby."

"Gregory, a child, is for life you can't divorce from parenthood."

The man's mind refused to assess the words that he saw as a threat. He could not believe how small Xenia's faith in him was.

"Xenia, do you realize what you are saying? Do you believe one second I would leave you and my upspring just like that?"

"I'll move to London, Gregory, please don't ask me that."

"Jesus, Xenia, are you bargaining to not have a baby? This is insane; it's me, Xenia. Don't you want a child with me?" Gregory said, pointing at himself with both his hands.

"Wait a minute, Xenia, there's something that intrigues me," the man rubbed his fingers on his temple, "you were going to marry Andrew. Was he aware you didn't plan to give an heir to the Woo dynasty?"

Xenia lowered her head before saying, "why do you have to bring him up."

"Because you were ready to give your hand, and I don't know whatever else to him and that I'm not even entitled to have the latter. Can you tell me why, Xenia? I mean, you chose to be with me, yet you're holding back; why?"

"I can't have a child anyway; I have an IUD."

Gregory couldn't believe his ears. For the first time, the man was disappointed by Xenia, he saw something he disliked, but he couldn't look over.

It was complicated for him to imagine Xenia being spiteful and cunning, but he felt manipulated instantly. Gregory even pitied Andrew, who fell for her the same way.

Unlike what Gregory thought Xenia didn't conspire, she hadn't given it any thought about having a baby because there wasn't any to have. The fright had the upper hand; it was her body. She had the right to decide what to do with her receptacle.

The detours Xenia took to avoid answering ticked Gregory off. The man decided to ask a more straightforward question.

"Come on, Xenia, just say you don't want a baby? Oh, and don't cry. Don't you even dare let those tears roll down."

"I don't want another child," Xenia said, tears disobeying Gregory's demand.

Astounded, the man asked again for confirmation in case he didn't hear well the first time, "can you repeat please because I'm afraid that I'm not seizing what you are saying."

"I don't want another baby; I'm sorry, Gregory."

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