Chapter 22: Demands and Wishes

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November was fast approaching and as early as now, I could already feel the cold. I shivered as I hugged myself. I started to regret not bringing a scarf. I was only wearing a cream colored long sleeves shirt I got from Forever21, dark skinny jeans, and brown Timberland boots. I thought I looked good but if I'd chosen comfort over style, I would've worn a parka.

I heard the soft purr of the car's engine as it approached. My heart started thumping like crazy. Excitement and anticipation were gnawing in the pit of my stomach. Who would have thought this day would come?

A gray Volvo parked on the street across our house. I straightened my back from my slouch. I had been standing outside our gate, waiting.

My breath hitched when the driver side window rolled down revealing a handsome face I knew so well.

"Hi Sky. Hop in."

I smiled. Hell would freeze over but it wouldn't stop me from going out tonight.

There was spring in my steps as I ran towards Kenji Yamamoto's car.


6 hours ago...

Lunch was catastrophic. I didn't know if my lack of appetite was because of too much drama or because the cafeteria's version of an enchilada was just simply disgusting.

After Maria marched out of the cafeteria, I excused myself from our table. I badly needed some fresh air. There was just too much negativity around me that I felt suffocated.

I went straight to the football field. Most of the students were at the cafeteria having lunch so it was mostly empty. I sat on one of the bench and took a long, deep breath.

I knew I would be okay. I knew at the end of the day, I would still be there for Hunter. I just needed time to breathe.... and to put a significant distance between me and that horrid excuse for an enchilada.

"Tough day?"

My head snapped to the side and I saw Sophie walking towards me. She wasn't wearing her cheerleader uniform but she still looked stunning and capable of making my self-confidence drop to Mariana's trench level even in a simple white polo shirt and jeans.

"Totally." I said, answering her question.

I wasn't sure if we were friends now but since she wasn't exactly part of the recent drama in my life, I considered her a welcome sight.

She sat beside me and crossed her legs.

"That's what you get for associating yourself with Hunter." She said, chuckling. I couldn't help but smile too.

"I knew he was trouble when he walked in." I joked, quoting Taylor Swift.

The theories were right. There would always be a Taylor Swift lyric we could relate to in every situation.

"What's with the outfit?" I asked her.

"I quit the squad."


That was news to me. Being a cheerleader was something you couldn't just simply quit. Aside from the scholarship that came with it, being a squad member automatically puts anyone on top of high school's social hierarchy. Cheerleaders were extremely important. Without them, who would act as mean girls and bullies in most Wattpad teen fiction books?

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