Chapter Nine: From to Tracking to Love Lives

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(New York and Carolina)

                                                          Alma's POV

Once I made it to the caverns I saw everyone there waiting, "Hey I got everything i need. what did you need to get? asked andersmith. I now showed them a tractor pad and an earpiece. what are you going to do with these? asked Jensen so I told them, "Well when we sent Grif in here, I motioned to the hideout as I set up everything, I put a tractor device in his armor." "Why?" Bitteres asked fearfully I just rolled my eyes though, "In case something went wrong so I can come and save him. Done." I muttered then placed the earpiece in my ear, then started activating the tractor pad. "Come on. Come on." I muttered after typing the code after a few dots appear on the screen as well as a map then I got a message. "I got something!" I yelled happily, "What is it?" asked Polamo, "Did you find them?" Asked Bitters, Yeah, I got read on where Grif is let me put it up." I told them as I touched the map however I got a bigger surprise. "Wait t-this shouldn't be right." "What is it?" Asked Andersmith worriedly. "Well according to the tractor pad, they're on the mother on intervention." "Why's that a weird thing?" "The ship is crashed and according to this it's moving." I could see tell they were as confused as me however that meant I knew that time period they were in. 

                                                             Washington's POV

"For the last time, why are you here?" I asked the soldier in teal colored armor however he stopped talking to me after we got into an argument about him knowing me. I still don't understand why I felt like he was telling the truth. I shocked my head as North teased me, "So is it love at first sight?" "Get real! Carolina told him as he laughed then asked me, Wait, Where's York?" "Hey, he didn't get into a fight with that one kid?" "Nah, I accidentally kicked him into a wall." what do you mean accidently?" "We found the guy who had that weapon we wanted and well the guy that they were watching suddenly grabbed it and it's actually an awesome sword, but I guess he wasn't paying attention because I accidentally kicked him." "Where is he now?" "Last time I checked he was being treated by New Mexico." "So dead then." "He's not dead. I told them with a frown I think they're actually friends now." "Whatever, i'm going to see if he's okay." She told us before leaving however I couldn't get that teal soldier out of my head. 

                                                                    Carolina's POV

I found York talking to a small brown soldier. I froze when I heard their conversation, -I can't believe you haven't told her yet!" I heard the brown suited soldier say as he responded, "I've been meaning to it's just-" "Just what!? I asked angrily. "Carolina! I um-" "Don't tell me. You just want to be alone so you and your friend can be together." "No I-" What!" I barked I could see the brown soldier give him a look then say something softly to him, with a deep breath he told me, "I love you?" "What?" I asked confused, "Nemo and I were just talking and I told him I haven't told you I love you yet. I blushed a bit as he told me this, You know you look really pretty when you blush." "Shut up." I muttered before kissing him.

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