Chapter Sixteen - One of Us - Part One

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Hey, wonderful people!

I'm super excited for the next few chapters - I've had them written and hiding in here for a few weeks now. I didn't want to forget the scenes and it really helped me delve into the relationship between my Sams.

Speaking of which...let's give a shoutout to KaosRidden for coming up with the official title of our wonderful characters! #SamSquared #TeamSamSquared

Secondly, this is a freaking long chapter. So long I had to split it into two parts. (The chapters together were 7000+ words...) Soooo there may or may not be a pretty bad cliffhanger at the end...but you just have to read to find out! 😂

Happy reading!


My suspicions were correct. The group of men and women led Samuel and me further into the forest, the trees around us growing thicker with every step. The sun was completely gone now, and Margaret had pulled out a flashlight to lead the way. The artificial light sent eerie shadows across our group as the last rays of sun faded away.

As we walked, I couldn't help the glares I sent in Margaret's direction, as well as the feelings of hatred for her and those behind me. Almost all of the people I'd met and trusted were somehow here, dragging me through the forest. Margaret, Zane, Tahlia, Enzo, these people were supposed to help, not tie me up and hold a gun to my head. My glares did nothing to stop them though, and we trudged on deeper and deeper into the neverending maze of trees.

Before long, I started to notice something flickering ahead. We walked directly towards the motion, almost letting it guide us. Accompanying the sparking shadows was a faint orange glow that seemed to mock the appearance of a sunset. As we advanced, my eyes fell upon a raging fire in the middle of a large clearing. Margaret turned off her flashlight as we approached, the fire giving us all the light we needed.

I was continually shoved forward by Tahlia as we entered the clearing. I quickly noticed a stone building to the right of us, nearly identical to the one I'd stayed in earlier that day. The only difference being it was larger, much larger. People were pouring out of it, walking towards the fire in small groups. I lost count of them as my head was shoved to the ground, preventing me from examining anything further.

Our group made our way to the fire where I was pushed to the ground, falling on my knees. The barrel of the gun finally left my head and I quickly turned to find Samuel. The men were dragging him behind us, moving until they came next to me. They threw him on the ground where he landed in a heap. He tried to lift himself up but only fell further into the dirt. I scanned him once over, gasping when I saw the blood staining almost every inch of the rope that held him bound. The skin was hardly there anymore, and the men hadn't bothered to take out the knives lodged into his arm. When my eyes fell upon his extended legs, I realized the cause for him not walking. Two large holes rested in each leg, something large and silver glinting from within the skin. Apparently, silver bullets were a thing, now.

His wretched and unmoving figure drew me towards him, my instincts screaming at me to somehow help him. Before I could move though, two arms quickly wrapped around my elbows. I looked behind me only to see an expressionless Zane holding me captive. I fought against his grip, but he only tightened it. My ears registered people murmuring and I quickly glanced around us. A large crowd was now gathered around the fire, each and every person looking straight at Samuel and I. The crowd consisted of men, women, and even children. They all had a knowing look in their eyes, though some seemed to hold a glint of fear as well. Their fear, aimed towards Samuel and me, only fueled my own.

Not My Alpha (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora