Chapter Sixty-Four - Not Fine

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Nothing made sense. My world was suspended for what felt like an eternity. I could still feel the pain. But, when I looked down, nothing was there. I was missing a piece of me. A piece that still hurt. 

Tears poured from my eyes. My body shook with sobs. I was numb to anything else but the sight of the stump that used to be my leg. It broke off just below the knee and was wrapped in layers upon layers of gauze. It didn't look like my body, my leg. It made more sense that it belonged to someone else and this was just another nightmare. But, I knew it wasn't. In the nightmares, I was always alone. Now, I had someone beside me, holding me up when I couldn't do it for myself.

Samuel clung to me, and I to him. We were two broken beings trying to keep the other from falling apart. 

Eventually, I fell asleep. Samuel crawled into the bed next to me, even though he was half hanging off the small mattress. He gathered me in his arms and dried my tears, soothing my sobs and pushing away the nightmare that was now a reality. 

When I awoke, he hadn't moved. I rubbed my eyes and buried my face into his arm for countless minutes. Sunlight was streaming through the window though, lighting up the room and introducing a new day. The rays peeking through the window hit Samuel directly in the eye. The longer this went on, the more he stirred and his breathing became uneven. After a while, he took a deep breath and paused, and I knew he was awake. But, he didn't say anything. I didn't speak to him, either. We only listened to the humming outside the hospital room door and the light footfall of countless feet passing by. 

The silence was almost peaceful. There wasn't much that could be said. There wasn't anything I wanted to discuss, and I had a feeling Samuel felt the same way. But, despite our preference for a respite in a silent room, the world outside continued to spin. The sunlight left Samuel's face and when it did, he cleared his throat and spoke. 

"I should get the doctor. They'll want to know you're awake."

I nodded. Samuel hesitated, then kissed the top of my head before departing. When I had the room to myself, I flipped onto my back and stared at the ceiling. My heart was at war with all my emotions, but I was too tired to fight. All I knew was that Samuel was there to hold me as I fell apart. For now, that was good enough. I didn't care about mates, I didn't care about wolves, and I didn't care about what was waiting for me beyond these hospital doors. Samuel was here and that was enough until I was ready to face the world. Maybe then, I wouldn't have to do it alone. 

Samuel returned a few moments later. At his side were Marshall and Dr. Gates. Marshal smiled while Dr. Gates looked over her clipboard. 

"We're glad to see you awake, Samantha," Marshall said. "Nice to see that Sammy boy hasn't finished you off, yet."

Samuel shot Marshall a glare as an uncomfortable laugh escaped me. Dr. Gates ignored them both and came to my side, inspecting the machines beside my bed. 

"How is your pain?" she asked. 

"It's fine."

"It's not fine." Samuel stepped forward. 

Dr. Gates nodded and continued her work with the machines. Marshall came up behind her, stopping at the foot of my bed. He placed his hands on the bed frame and looked at me with crinkling eyes. 

"Will is getting along great," he said. "He's awake and recovering. You can see him when we're finished with you."

I nodded and smiled. Samuel came up to stand beside me and Marshall gazed at us with a look of adoration. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but he shook his head and watched Dr. Gates, instead. 

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