Protect each other

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Scott woke up with Luna still snuggled on his chest, usually she was already up and excited. He smiles and pushed some of her messy hair out of her face. Luna's eyes flickered opened and smiled at her Alpha.

"Come on Luna Bear time to get up." He tells her and kisses her nose before picking he up and putting a blue dress on her. Scott looked at his shadow noticing his claws are out. Sighing he closed his hands and they disappeared.

" Hey. " A voice snaps Scott out of his thought

"Hey. Um, are you going to school? " Isaac asked awkwardly

"Yeah." he asked helping put on Luna's jacket

" Okay, me too." Isaac says bouncy on the heels of his feet." Can I can I ask you a question?" 


"Are you angry at me?" He finally asked

" No."

" Are you sure?"

"No." Scott said unsure

" What's that mean?"

" I guess I'm not really sure how I'm feeling." he admitted

" Okay. Do you hate me?"

" No, of course not. "

"Do you want to hit me? "


"I think you should hit me."

"I don't want to hit you."

"Are you sure?"

" Why would I want to hit you? You didn't do anything, did you?"

"No. I mean, um What do you mean? "

"I mean like you didn't kiss her or anything, right?"

"No! Absolutely not. - No. "

"Did you want to?"

" Oh, yeah. Totally. " Isaac answer making Scott throw him into the wall making Luna laugh and point at him

"Hey! You two supernatural teenage boys. Don't test my entirely un-supernatural level of patience. " Melissa yelled from down the hall

"Feel better? " Isaac asked Scott who picked up Luna and carried her down stairs. Scott places Luna down before putting on a beanie. Luna laughed when Scott kissed her nose.

"Remember I will see you later, Okay I love you Luna," She nodded her head and wrapped her small arms around his neck and played with the back of his hair as he masked his scent over her. Once he was doe he went to the kitchen to grab an apple when the door rang," Luna get the door,"

Luna ran to the door and open it revealing a smiling Stiles.

" Uncle Stiles," Luna screams jumping into his arms

"Hey Luna bug." He says happily and kiss his nose," Are you coming to schools with us today,"

"No me going to see Alec." Luna says giggling making Stiles frown

"You here that Scott the devil child is taking Luna away again," Stiles yells to Scott who comes out with his eyebrows scrunched.

"You said you were going to hang out with my mom," Scott told Luna who is still giggling in Stiles arms

"Me am just with Alec," Luna told them before kissing Stiles cheek and jumping on the floor to Scott and kissed his cheek before running to look for Melissa.

Pup~ TeenwolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora