Almost over

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Luna stood there crying, frozen and numb. It happened again . The pain in her chest grew as her small knees began to give out. While Scott was talking to the police, Luna sat on the chair clawing at her wrist. She refused to talk to Scott feeling anger toward him for something she didn't understand. When Argent walked up to her, Luna pushed down her sleeve covering her bloody wrist.

"Come on, Luna," Argent picked up Luna and started heading their way home ,with Isaac following behind. Luna refused to leave Argent's presents, somehow the feeling and smell of Alison lingered on the man, a smell that brought comfort and warmth. But the anger and hurt she felt was unbearable. Finally arriving at the place, she started slowly taking small steps toward the hall when she heard Argent.   

"I appreciate the concern, but you don't have to stay. I'll be all right. I've dealt with this before. I have a capacity and ability to compartmentalize my emotions." Argent says to Isaac who stood there frozen.

" I don't." Isaac said breaking down. Luna quickly ran to Isaac and nuzzled her head into his chest.

" Hey. " Argent mutters before pulling the teen and small girl into a hug. Luna cried her eyes out before her body began to shut down.

Argent slowly picked up the sleeping pup and started taking her to the bed. Once tucked, Luna slowly opened her eyes," I'm tired," she mumbled

"Its okay. Just sleep." Argent tells her gently before brushing her hair back

"No, I'm tired of people leaving me." Luna says with tears coming down her face. She quickly turns around to face the window with tears coming falling down, not looking at Argent," They always leave me,"

Argent stared at the broken pup, before kissing her head and walking out of the room. Checking Alison's room he found Isaac sitting down playing with a knife.

" Careful. That one takes some practice. When Allison was learning, she had to bandage her fingers because they got so raw. She wouldn't give up on it, though. " Argent says sitting down next to him

Isaac took a deep breath before he whispered." She kept trying to say something."

" What's that? "

"She was trying to say something to Scott. "You have to tell him," she said. "You have to tell my father" he told Argent before taking another deep breath."She didn't get a chance to finish it, but I'm sure it was just that she loves you."

Argent took a deep breath trying to hold his tears before saying," It's okay. It's okay. She made a point of telling me earlier."

" Earlier?"

" There's a tradition we have. "

"The silver bullet." Isaac mutter remembering when Alison told him about the tradition and Luna bragging that Alison and Argent taught her. She would point and stick her tongue at Isaac singing," I got to make a bullet. Haha. I'm going to be the best hunter on the planet."

"She was making a silver arrowhead. " Argent says smiling thinking back to before. He remember the smile on Alison's face as she taught Luna about the arrows. Argent patted Isaac's back before making his way out of the room.

" Where is it? The arrowhead?" Isaac asked standing up suddenly

" Downstairs." he answered confused

" I need to see it."

" Why?"

" Because I have a feeling it isn't there."

Luna who laid in the other room shot up. Her breathing was heavy and sweat laid all across her face. She looks around scared before she shot out of bed and ran downstairs and jumped into Argent's arms.

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